Everything and everybody has both a good and a bad side. This is without exception. Nothing is ever all good or all bad . . . Ever!
No matter how bad a situation may seem at first, if you stop for a moment and take a closer look, you will be able to find some good in the situation.
This is an important fact that can greatly impact your life. This fact lets you know for certain that you indeed have a choice to make in every situation.
One day I was exiting a parking lot and at the same time another driver was entering. We almost had a head on collision. Thank GOD we both stopped in time.
It was pretty obvious that we were both shaken by the near-accident.
The lady in the other car started yelling some obscenities at me and automatically a voice came in my head shouting loudly at me to defend myself. "Who does she think she is? She's the one in the wrong here! Don't let her curse at you like that!"
I was about to let her have it when I thought, "Stop! What is the good in this situation?"
A second voice, a lot softer and gentler, reminded me that we had just avoided an accident. "Thank GOD you were both able to stop in time."
I looked at the hysterical lady and said very gently, "I'm so glad we both were able to stop in time. We successfully avoided what could have been a horrible accident."
She paused for a moment, looked at me and smiled. "You're right." She replied, and we both happily went on our way.
Remember that there will always be two voices giving you advice from which you can choose. One voice is of the negative aspects of a situation and this voice is usually the loudest and the quickest. The second voice is the voice that states the positives of a situation and is usually quieter and softer.
Before choosing to immediately react to the first negative voice, choose to wait for the second positive voice. Choose to listen to the positives because it really is your choice to make.
Choose to energize your mind, body and soul with the positives!
YOUR LIFE really can be as beautiful and as bountiful as YOU create it to be! Self Empowerment is the Key!
Karen E. Smith is the author of Energy Diet, a self empowerment eBook. She is also a book reviewer for AnimatedBookReviews.com, a book review web site featuring reviews of empowerment books that motivate, inspire and educate.
Please visit The Energy Diet Book Web site to learn how you can empower your life:
Please visit The Animated Book Reviews web site for some empowering books:
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