Sunday, May 3, 2009

5 Things Baby Boomers Can Do to Make 2009 a Great Year Starting Today!

The world changing and inspiring Presidential inauguration of January 20, 2009 is past now. Theparades are cleared and the dancing and celebrations are over, for now. There was a beautiful sense of hope that spread throughout the world. The memory of that day and the feeling of hope and optimism that we dared to feel is still with many of us. Time will tell, but it is very likely that our world changed on that day in a way that will never be forgotten and that is a good thing.

On an individual level it would appear that many of us are in for a bit of a bumpy ride financially, economically, professionally. There are few people in the world who are untouched by the crashing markets of the last months of 2008.

Where you are at may be just fine and status quo may reign in your world, but for many of us,particularly Baby Boomers, we face a period of our lives that we were may not have been prepared for before the crash, and now, even the eternal optimists are wondering if they should start to worry.

So what to do - what to do?Here at Boomerway Global Headquarters we have created our own 5 point plan that we share with you.We invite and expect that you may need to adjust according to your own personal circumstances.

Boomerway 5 Point Plan

1. Keep the faith

2. Make a Plan

3. Take Action

4. Seek Expert advice

5. Do something that moves you closer to your goal everyday

Here is how we are implementing our plan:

1.Keep the faith - whatever your personal code of spirituality might be, from organized religion to personal practice to the notion of personal development, strengthen it through practice and observation.

Help each other - give the people in your world a break, give yourself a break.Maybe things have not worked out as you thought they would - but here you are now, today.What is behind you is done - what you do each moment of each day from this point forward is what will define your future.

If you do not have a faith or a personal mantra - maybe this is a good time to find one that could work for you.

One day at time, let go - let God, a meditation or an affirmation.Today, this minute, is better than before.You decide.

2.Make a Plan - what do you need most?A job? A different job? a different way of working? Less debt?

Less clutter? Less weight?More vegetables? A different relationship? You can decide.You may not resolve it today - but you can make a start.

Do you need to call a close friend and commit out loud to your plan? You could write it down and help your thinking develop that way?

There are many ways to collect your thoughts that will help you make a start toward change.

3.Take Action - When you are actively involved in change you cannot feel like a victim because you are making an active choice in your life.

4.Do you need the advice of a career counsellor, doctor, therapist, deacon of your church?Education for retraining to move your skills up the ladder? Internet - yellow pages, libraries, computers at libraries, there are many different resources available to you and most of them are free of charge.

5.Regardless of your challenge - make sure that you do at least 1 thing every day that moves you closer to your goal. It could mean, ensuring that your interview - job search clothes are ready for when you are called, it could mean that clutter throughout your home is cleared so that you can think without distraction.

Hope is probably the most important element for survival in these difficult times.

See number 1.Keep the faith.

Take action and hold on - this too shall pass and we will be stronger and wiser for it.

Thank you for reading this article

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See you there!

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