Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ask Yourself Some Simple Questions About Religion

Most of us are raised from children into adulthood, to believe in someone else's religion. Most of us never even got the chance to choose a religion or spiritual beliefs to follow on our own. I came up with a simple list of five things that you should know about your religion, or you shouldn't be allowed to practice it.

1. Where did your religion or spiritual beliefs originate from? You should find out who started your religion and why they started it. Some of the worlds major religions were started by intelligent people. Do you think it's possible that your religion was created by an intelligent person, instead of a supreme being or multiple gods. Someone's just trying to trick you into believing.

2. How did you get involved in your religion or spiritual beliefs? Was it part of your upbringing, did your parents suggest this religion to you, how long has your family been involved in your current religious beliefs. Was your great, great, great, great, great grandfather or grandmother part of this religion or spiritual belief. How far back does it go in your family?

3. Do you believe in your religious doctrine or scripture? Is there any parts of your religious scriptures, writings or communication from other fellow believers that doesn't sit right with you? Does every part of your religion makes sense and can it be explained sensibly to someone outside of your religion?

4. Do you practice what you believe on a daily basis? If you're supposed to read your scriptures or pray daily, do you? If your religion teaches love and compassion, how do you treat people less fortunate than yourselves? Are you one of those people who can justify your wrong doings, to yourself and others, to give them the illusion, that you are a religious or spiritual person.

5. Do you know where you are going after you die? Are you going to someplace wonderful and extraordinary, like heaven? If you had to earn enough credits or points, do you think you have acquired enough, to enter the next level of existence? If you're bad, are you going to a bad place, with all the other bad people?

Try to always keep one thing in mind do you use, religion and responsibly.

These are just some of the answers, that I sincerely believe most people should know about their religion or beliefs. You should be able to answer at least one of these questions if asked by a nonbeliever.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development

Greg is currently working on a spiritual religious articles filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion

Why Dont We Listen To Our Parent

Monday, June 29, 2009

How Do I Get Un-Stuck?

It's sad to say, but the majority of people in our society are asking themselves this question every day. They feel hopeless when they are looking at their current situation and cannot see a way out. I know because I used to be one of them. Are you still there?

So, what does a person in this situation do? How does the common person get themselves out of this all too common state of life? Well, I can point you to this recourse, or introduce you to that opportunity, but none of those things will change your situation until you first change your mind, or the way your mind looks at situations. If you're still here reading this, then you obviously have the desire to change, but desire is nothing without the action to back it.

You first have to know, not hope it will happen. You have to know, not hope you will succeed. You have to KNOW! You see, until you develop a mind set of knowing, you will be approaching every situation in life from the state of lacking what it is you want. And if you are lacking, then there is doubt. And if there is doubt, there will never be success. But if you know something is already yours, then nothing can stop you from getting it (except you).

So don't lose hope. There are many great opportunities out there for you to get un-stuck. But before I can show you those, you must know that you absolutely can you absolutely will.

Frankie Gomez is a professional marketer and web based business owner. Serious entrepreneurs, who wish to know more about his extremely lucrative opportunity that is taking the industry by storm, please visit http://www.IamTheMasterOfMyFuture.com today. You can also visit http://www.myspace.com/wealthbuilderfrankieg to find out more about Frankie.

Neil Donald Walsch

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Change, Happiness, Success And Our Core Values

The saying that "change is the only constant thing in this world" holds profound meaning in every sense of the word. Backed by this universal truth is also the dictum that there is no such thing as 'forever'. However, amidst all these acclaimed universal truths, there are things in this world that stay eternal: One of them our set of core values the fundamentals that enable us to find happiness and success in our lives.

In his # 1 National Bestseller book that sold over 10 million copies, author Stephen R. Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (1990 ed.) illustrates his own personal experience on change. As a parent, he claims that to change a situation, we first have to change ourselves, and to change ourselves effectively, we first have to change our perceptions. However, Dr. Phil argues that it's more complicated than that. Illustrated in his book Life Strategies - Stop Making Excuses! Do What Works, Do What Matters (1999 ed.), he firmly wants to instill in our minds the glaring truth about change that we can not change what we do not acknowledge. In similar fashion, I totally agree on his argument. It's like saying that the hardest thing to open in this world is a closed mind - therefore making change difficult to occur.

There are some people who have a mindset to make some changes in their lives and choose to be happy. Even the great Chinese philosopher Confucius would agree in his belief that "man must be wise and unafraid to live a happy life" - a philosophy similarly shared by his contemporary, Mencius where he enumerates three mature virtues of his 'great man' as wisdom, compassion and courage deliberated in Lin Yutang's book, The Importance of Living (1962 ed.) a must-to-read book for daily living.

Likewise, Stephen R. Covey focuses the "Character Ethic" as the foundation of success things like integrity, humility, fidelity, temperance, courage, justice, patience, industry, simplicity, modesty and the Golden Rule.

In his book, he presented Benjamin Franklin's autobiography as the epitome of these values "a man's effort to integrate certain principles and habits deep within his nature", he explained. The Character Ethic, according to Covey teaches us that there are basic principles of effective living, and that people can only experience true success and enduring happiness as they learn and integrate these principles into their basic character.

In addition, Anthony Scire's dynamic and contemporary book The Power of 2 (2003 ed.) promotes building solid relationships over the long term and encouraging us to be "nice, kind and good" to everyone we know and meet. This highlights Henry James's core value of kindness:"Three things in human life are important", he said. "The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind." In the same book, then eminent Bishop Fulton J. Sheen admonished us to also take control of our emotions so that we may live a successful and happy life. He said: "Each of us makes his own weather determines the color of the skies in the emotional universe which he inhabits."

Change therefore is inevitable in our lives. If - and when it comes, our core values should help us adapt to the consequences of change. Hence, as exemplified by great and wise men of past and present generations, our happiness and success depend upon our core values and attitudes.

Letty R. Vendramini

Your Voyage To Happiness Begins Here. Learn how you can find real happiness in your life and how to live it to the full. Abandon unhappiness and achieve true lasting happiness. Discover the "real you" and unleash the joy within.

Visit http://www.BestSecretsToHappiness.com/ and receive Your FREE Happiness Report Worth $47 On How You Can Find True Lasting Happiness In Your Life. Click now to download. Alternatively Letty regularly writes articles on How To Sustain True, Lasting Happiness available to view at http://www.BestSecretsToHappiness.com/blog/

Letty R. Stevens Vendramini acquired two degrees in Bachelor of Philosophy (Ph.B) Minor in English and Bachelor of Social Work (BSocWk). Letty teaches subjects in Philosophy, Psychology, Public Speaking, Argumentation and Debate, English Grammar and Composition, Research and Thesis Writing and Business Ethics. Letty is a part-time Private Practitioner in Social Work-Counseling. She is also a writer, a newspaper columnist/correspondent and an editor.

Does Inner Peace Frighten You?

Does inner peace frighten you? Do you feel more at home, while being nervous, anxious or restless? Do you feel that you will lose something if become more calm and relaxed?

A certain well-known TV celebrity once said in an interview, that though he is aware of the value inner peace, he doesnt want it. He was certain that it will make his life boring and uninteresting, without fun and excitement. This shows lack of understanding of what inner peace is.

What do you think about inner peace? What do you think it can do to your life? Will you become passive and indifferent? Will it make you unpractical and unable to handle your daily affairs of life? Will it take away all the fun and pleasure from your life?

Inner peace is often associated with being impractical, visionary and naive, and unable to take care of oneself. It is also associated with yogis, fakirs and people who meditate all day long, unconcerned about money, relationships, work or ambitions. These are erroneous concepts. On the contrary, you gain inner strength and power, common sense, and a better ability to judge and think. It is quite possible to enjoy true inner peace, and at the same time lead an ordinary life, with family and job, like most people.

Are you afraid to experience inner peace? Are you scared it might make your life boring and uninteresting? Do you think it will prevent you from enjoying life? Are you afraid of being able to quiet the constant, and sometimes tiring, chatter of the mind? Do you think you have to keep up an inner state of tension, restlessness and anxiety to feel alive?

The desire for money, possessions and good relationships are often motivated by the subconscious desire for security. Fun, entertainment and journeys to foreign countries are expected to bring happiness, and temporary forgetfulness of troubles or worries. All of these are expected to bring some sort of relief and freedom, and this is exactly what inner peace brings.

Everyone, albeit unconsciously, seeks ways to alleviate or overcome worries, anxieties and fears. Everyone desires happiness and a feeling of security. All this results from inner peace.

You have a lot to gain and nothing to lose, when you are able to calm down the feverish activity of the mind, and enjoy a growing sense of inner peace and serenity. This state of mind can affect your external life, and also the people you meet.

Here are just a few of the many benefits you might gain:

# Inner peace awakens inner strength and confidence.

# It enhances your common sense.

# It makes you more tactful, tolerant and patient.

# It gives you the ability to handle more efficiently the affairs of your life.

# It helps you overcome anxiety, worries and stress.

# You stop being subject to moods and changeful states of mind.

# You stop being affected by what people think or say about you.

# You remain balanced and poised in difficult and trying situations.

# You learn to look at the bright side of life.

You dont have to be a yogi or a monk to enjoy inner peace. You can live a busy and active life, while your mind is peaceful. You can work and interact with people, while your mind is calm and happy.

For more practical information and tips, read Peace of Mind Tips and Advice.

Remez Sasson teaches and writes on positive thinking, creative visualization, motivation, self-improvement, peace of mind, spiritual growth and meditation. He is the author of several books, among which are "Peace of mind in Daily Life", "Will Power and Self Discipline", "Visualize and Achieve" and "Affirmations - Words of Power".

Visit his website and find articles and books filled with inspiration, motivation and practical advice and guidance. Website: http://www.SuccessConsciousness.com Books: http://www.successconsciousness.com/ebooks_and_books.htm

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Improve Employee Motivation

You can't deny the fact that your organization works because of teamwork. The more the team works together harmoniously, the more successful your organization is. However, this is easier said than done. Many organizations fail because they are filled with unmotivated employees. If you have a problem with employee motivation, then take notice. A team that doesn't have employee motivation means that they have poor performance, which translates to bad business for you.

Improving the Motivation of Your Employees

- Build a good foundation at the start.
You improve motivation if you build a solid foundation at the beginning of your employee's career. Once the employee becomes a part of your organization, make sure that he is given an orientation of the history of your business and the mission and vision. Be aware also of his career expectations and goals and how you can make them feel as part of your team.

- Promote a positive environment in your organization.

A positive environment can always promote a positive outlook among employees. This means that you do not have preference over your other employees and you make all your employees feel important. Try to keep your doors open to all your staff, that they can approach you with problems and issues.

- Lead by example.

As a leader, you must lead by example. If you want your employees to come to work on time, then you should do the same. You communicate to your employees the things that you want by leading a good example and not simply talking about it.

- Make sure that your employees have a career path.

Employees always aim for career advancements and possibilities of promotion always improve employee motivation. You can work with your employees in charting their career growth plan taking into consideration their current skills and future goals. You will see how this would create magic among your employees' self-esteem.

- Be liberal with seminars and trainings.

You motivate your employees when you provide means to increase their professional skills through seminars and trainings. If there are possibilities of attending workshops and seminars related to your business, then offer these to them. If the employees feel that you are investing in them, they would feel cherished and would eventually improve their job performance.

- Let your employees have fun.

All work and no fun would make Jack a dull boy. Once in a while, engage your staff in fun activities together like annual excursions or dinner out for some job well done. If it's possible, you can reward your staff with an unexpected day off or early closing in a Friday.

- Offer incentives to the good worker

Offering incentives is a way of acknowledging a job well done. This can be in cash or in kind. Aside from the usual praise, you can offer small tokens of appreciation like gift certificates or performance-based bonuses.

- Be true to your promises.

Stick to your promises and your employees will feel motivated all the time. If they see that the people leading them are doing what has been promised, they would realize that they are working with a credible company and that they are lucky to be part of it. Remember that not keeping your promises would only translate to a decrease in employee motivation and eventual loss of trust.

There are many ways to improve employee motivation in your organization. All in all, it is all about being people-oriented and not losing sight of the fact that you need your staff to make your business successful.

Learn how to map out your path to success with comprehensive tools and guides to get your life back on track. Discover how to more effectively obtain personal, career or business goals and learn how to stay motivated right to the end

For More Great Content Please Visit http://www.settinggoals101.com/business-goalsetting.html

Friday, June 26, 2009

Understanding Faithful Followers In Religion

How can you honestly understand someone else's opinion if they sincerely differ from yours? For years I have been trying to understand the beliefs portrayed by organized religions around the world. Whenever someone is explaining part of their religion to me and I bring something to their attention, about their religion, and they don't know the answer, their replies always seem to be based around faith. You just need to believe.

I've been asking people for years, why do you believe? The answers vary from time to time but the essence of the answers are similar. Our conversations seem to start out with a few facts, which leads us into a friendly discussion about their religious beliefs and how they were formed. Whenever I start to dig a little too deep or ask some of these people questions that they don't have the answers to, the conversation always ends abruptly and the word faith always seems to appear.

I feel like this is the easy way out for religious believers.

I'm sure that they get frustrated with me, asking them questions about their religions, that they can't answer. Most of these people won't even bother to find the answers for themselves either, this has often irritated me, but at the same time I think I understand. Most people want to be a part of something but won't take the time to be involved in it. Living a life based on a little information, a lot of hope and the rest completely immersed in faith, seems like a life that is lived without questioning the most important thing in your life.

If I went to a place of worship and asked this question "What's the Most Important Thing in Your Life?" I would imagine most of these people would tell me it was their God or gods. God seems to be the main focus on their lives but they don't seek to understand how he came to be, why he doesn't help the poor, why won't God communicate with us, or even something as simple as understanding some, at the least 10% of your religion.

I don't believe there's anything wrong with living a faithful life. I have faith in things that are out of my control and am still seeking answers to their origins and existence. The sun, Earth, air, water and even God. I suggest to religious, nonbelievers and spiritual people all over the world, to gather a little more information about your beliefs, if they are indeed important to you.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Heal Your Life

If you want to read something funny and get your daily laugh in, you need to read this, it's funny Using Religion Responsibility . It's based on overindulgence.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

From Beliefs to Knowing

What do you want me to notice today?

First of all, I want you to move from a "belief" to a "knowing" in me. This shift in your awareness will allow you to have total faith and total trust in my care for you and the evolution of humanity. Society is used to trusting in their own wisdom; instead of, the wisdom that has created the moon, the stars, and the human heart.

How can I get there?

You will need to shift from self-centered awareness to life-centered awareness. The ego has the tendency to belief in what the ego knows to be real. I am asking you to trust me with your whole heart and soul, as though, your life depends on it. And, it does. You see, I am asking you to see through your eyes what you cannot see with them. For example, take a pebble and throw it into a pond. On the surface, you will see a ripple effect. You will see the effect of an action you took upon yourself to create. As the pebble sinks deeper and deeper into the pond, there will come a time when you will no longer be able to see it anymore. Yet, you know that the pebble traveled to the bottom of the pond. How did it get there? Here is where you begin to see through your eyes what you cannot see with them. If you paid close attention to this experience, you will notice that your imagination and your heart were engaged. This allowed you to see from within what you could not see externally and "know" it was a real experience without having a personal experience of what was happening before you.

Dying people are on a similar journey. They have to trust that an inner path is being created for them in their soul. They know that one day they will close their eyes to the world around them and open them up in a place created by the wisdom that brought them into this world. In many ways, dying people show us the way into eternity through their dying. The closer a dying person gets to death - the more introspective they and their loved ones become. At the moment of death, loved ones who are left behind begin to shift their attention from a relationship based on the personality to one where souls meet.

Taken from "God a Logs on Death and Dying" by Samuel Oliver soon to be published in Nov. 07 by Jones Harvest Publishing

For More on this Author: http://www.soulandspirit.org

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Imagine a Brotherhood of Man Living in Peace

Imagine There's No Heaven, It's Easy If You Try, No Hell below Us, above Us Only Sky, Imagine All the People Living for Today. Imagine There's No Countries, It Isn't Hard to Do, Nothing to Kill or Die for, and No Religion Too. Imagine All the People Living Life in Peace. Think about It.

It's hard to imagine, with the information today and even 50 years ago that most people still believe in religions all over the world, just because they were raised to believe in them. Religions of the future will have to adapt to change, a little faster as more people read articles like mine to promote education within your religion.

Find out a little bit more about Your Religious Freedom

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a religous help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Jackie Robinson
Power Of Myth

How Safe Are Your Personal & Professional Relationships

Feng Shui offers many different ways and lots of advice on supporting your relationships. We see data in front of our faces all of the time, but we know that most of you only pay attention when there is a crisis. Are you looking around to see how your true relationships are with your clients and your partner?

Relationships tend to get passive and you figure just because you have had this business relationship forever, that it will go on forever. You have heard of the law of attraction? You attract to you exactly what you have in your life! So for example, your business relationship has been good with ABC Corporation , but another consultant or business person walks in the door to the place that you have done business with forever and says, "I can do a much better job than what you have, at a Lower Price. In this economy, are they going to be loyal to their established partner or are they going to listen to what this new company has to say?

I work in the hospitality industry and I see it everyday, I have worked with the big conglomerates and believe me, if they want your business, they will do everything that they can to get it. It includes more perks for you and your customers and best of all, lower fees. If you are a University or large corporation, the stakes are higher, could we offer you new score boards on your campus or a new Dining Facility? Now does this get your attention?

When you have a solid reputation with your clients, this type of situation could go like this:
John, yesterday George came in from DEF Corporation and offered me all of these perks, lower fees, new score boards, new dining halls, but thanks to you, your continued diligence has kept has in the best possible financial market. I thank you very much for being progressive with us and keeping us in the know with the Hospitality Industry. This is a true relationship! How do you feel now?

One of the best ways for making your business be different than the one across the road, is to provide your employees and you a solid foundation. Now the trick here is, how do you do it? Here is my suggestion, hire a Feng Shui expert to look at your business in new ways. If you are a traditionalist you think, no way! But if you are the person who truly is ahead in the game of business, this should be part of your strategy. Do some research on Donald Trump, check out his Feng Shui Master. Take a look at the positive thinking guru, Wayne Dwyer. His Feng Shui Master is at his home all of the time.

Whenever I am called in for a business consultation, I always place in my proposal a recommendation of having their homes set up in the philosophy of Feng Shui also. Feng Shui (meaning wind & water) has been around from 2000-5000 years, depending on the books you read. Its basis is to insure that your living and business space have the 5 elements of earth , water, fire, metal and wood in your environment. We are looking for a good flow of energy in your spaces to make you feel strong and supported in all things that you and your family do each day.

I haven't mentioned the personal relationships, but they too run the same way. We all go day to day to depend on our partners, but when do we give them the respect and the honor that they deserve? Is it saved for Valentine's Day? What about the other 364 days of the year. I am very fortunate in that I have this type of relationship where my spouse will bring me a cup of tea, just because! He is very consistent with this and happy to do this for me. What do I do for him? I bake him his favorite cookies, his favorite cheesecake for his birthday and I also pay attention to how he walks in the door from work each day. I respond accordingly and if he is down, I try to help bring about a change and a relaxation to his demeanor.

The majority of this is done very easily. My home and offices are all Feng Shui compliant. I believe we all deserve peace and calmness around us and when we walk into our home, we just automatically start relaxing our shoulders and shake off the stress of the day. That, my friend, is what a Feng Shui analysis can do for all of you!

Yvonne Phillips is a National Feng Shui Practitioner, Author and Speakerwith over 18 years of experience. Yvonne is certified with Feng ShuiInstitute International and has trained with world famous Feng ShuiMaster Lillian Too. As owner of Creative Color & Design, she incorporates Feng Shui principles into both residences and businesses, from small businesses to large corporations. Please visit http://www.fengshuiabc1.com for more information. Send an email to YvonnePhillips1@aol.com for a FREE article on Feng Shui Tips for the Bedroom.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Observer and the Observed

So quantum physics tells us that the observer causes the observed, or at the very least that the observer interferes with that which is being observed by the very process of observing it. Ive heard some people crying "heresy!" They do not like the idea that once the observer is not observing the observed, then the observed is not.

In my mind that misses a large, obvious point which makes the concept ludicrous. We are all one, god if you will, or at the very least energy, unseparated my anything other than atomic configuration which on a larger scale appears to create separation of bodies of mass. Since we know better, then theres a couple other points we cannot overlook.

Firstly, because we are all one energy field, for lack of a better term, there is no disappearance of anything when it is not being observed. Our human notion of not existing encapsulates anything not within the small frequency band our six physical senses can pick up. Perhaps the observer causes the observed to become a manifest, physical experience (to the observer), but the lack of observer in no way takes away the existence of that experience/being/energy.

Secondly, because all energy is the same, and we as apparently individual human beings are conscious, then its very difficult to imagine that any spec of the energy field of all-that-is could not be conscious. The type of consciousness may vary greatly, in an infinite number of ways, but is still basic consciousness nonetheless. For us to be conscious implies that everything is, that energy itself is consciousness. That ours is focused into a small amount of matter at the moment (exclusively, as far as what we deem our conscious mind is concerned) does not mean that every other piece of this energy shares that form of focalised consciousness.

If our rule of free will stands up, as it must, in that the law of attraction clearly states that we create our reality by what we think about, thereby allowing that to become part of our reality, then all forms of consciousness must inherit this same trait, although perhaps experentially very different. Therefore the observer cannot observe the observed unless the observed is also an observer that is observing the original observer.

With this understood, all observers are in fact by nature observed, as that which they are observing is also by nature observer. The process of observation therefore does not contain observed and observer, but both of those in both participants, or what I will now call observed(er).

I dont mean to shake rocky ground, but this places all new challenges on the understanding of the role of observer in the observed.

And having raised an issue without providing satisfactory resolution, I leave you now.

jonpeeoh (http://www.jonpeeoh.com) is a new web community devoted to raising consciousness, magick, and teaching others to take control of their powers as creators of their own reality.

Chris Hedges

Book Review - "7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens"

I just finished reading "7 habits of highly effective teens," by Sean Covey. This book is written by the son of the famous author of "7 habits of highly effective people," Stephen Covey. The author attempts to shed light on some issues that teens face and how they can best overcome them. As the CEO of a teen jobs website, I read dozens of teen related books each week. In my opinion, this is one of the most engaging and entertaining teen related book I have ever read.

This book will provide meaningful content for teens, such as advice for improving their self image, how to build friendships and how to resist peer pressure. What I like most about the book is the way the ideas are presented and the format. The author uses a lot of graphics, cartons lists, quotes and other elements to really hook the reader and compel them to keep reading. Another great part about the book is the real life examples that the author writes about. There are real stories of teens that have been faced with huge obstacle and the incredible stories about how they overcame adversity. This part of the book was very inspiring to me.

The one criticism that I have is the fact a lot of the tips and suggestions are quite obvious and really basic common sense. I would have liked to see more of an emphasis on the real teen stories, as I think a book can be written on that topic alone.

In closing, I highly recommend this book to teens and parents of teens.

Dan Keller is the CEO of the popular Teen Jobs site and runs a Teen Forums site as well.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Designing for Life - Architecture and Design Psychology

Design psychology is the use of psychology as the fundamental principle for design decisions in architecture and interior design. Cultural patterns of architecture reveal many fundamental principles of design psychology. A group of architects led by Christopher Alexander compiled what they learned about architecture around the world into a book called A Pattern Language (1977, Oxford University Press). This book discusses virtually every aspect of buildings including entrances, windows, hallways, fireplaces, kitchens, sleeping areas, home offices and workshops, walls, and storage spaces.

The research done by these architects revealed the need for people of all cultures to feel safe and nurtured in their homes, neighborhoods and towns. Simple patterns for positive environments included things like designing rooms to have light coming in from at least two sides and more than one entrance or exit if possible. Our eyes are built to handle visual processing with multiple light sources rather than a light from a single direction. This makes seeing more difficult in environments where light is coming from only one direction. In addition, we have an instinctual need for an escape route and recoil psychologically when confronted with cave-like rooms where we may feel trapped.

A closely related field to design psychology is proxemics, the study of cultural differences in personal boundaries and space requirements. Proxemics is intimately connected to design psychology and the placement of physical dividers such as doors and walls. In offices and homes alike, a social order is established by proximity. The offices that are the most distant from the waiting room and closest to the boss are for the most important staff members. Likewise, master bedrooms are usually the most distant from shared spaces such as entryways and living rooms. The rooms closest to the kitchen, family room and gathering areas are for those lowest on the totem pole, usually the children.

Proxemics also has much to do with issues of privacy. Those who have important activities and conversations to engage in need to have their space. When material dividers aren't available, visual and auditory clues can serve to define boundaries. Signs, frosted glass, bells and intercoms can serve to separate places where others are welcome and places where they must have permission to enter.

Design psychology and feng shui share many principles. Although the two approaches often come to the same conclusions, they differ in their foundations. Feng shui practice generally relies on a combination of tradition and intuition and design psychology generally relies on a research model. It could be argued that feng shui is a right-brain approach and design psychology is a left-brain approach. Perhaps a combination of these approaches with equal measures of common sense and practicality will yield the best solutions for architectural environments that meet both the basic and higher needs of their inhabitants.

Kathleen Karlsen, MA is an artist, writer and design consultant residing in Bozeman, Montana. Fine art and unique gifts by Kathleen and other selected artists can be found at http://www.livingartsoriginals.com Visit us today to find a wonderful addition to your home decor or a gift for someone special! For an extensive article about flower symbolism see http://www.livingartsoriginals.com/infoflowersymbolism.htm To see a selection of available flower paintings, please visit http://www.livingartsoriginals.com/originalfloralart.htm

Crawl Space Repairs

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Finding Friendships With Like-Minded People

Have you ever met someone and right from the very beginning they seem to be a wonderful person. Someone who makes you laugh and feel good, treats others with compassion and is a very nice person. Once you start to spend time with them, you start to notice certain faults and become confused at some of the statements that are coming out of their mouth.

After a while, you start to see less and less of these people and over time they become just another memory. Often there is a problem or difficulty in your relationship that led to the demise of your friendship. Maybe you loaned them some money or let them borrow something and they didn't repay you are never returned the item or items you loan them.

Somehow this wonderful relationship ended and usually it was from a problem, one that just didn't make sense to you.

This has happened to me more than once in my lifetime and I have noticed that people who give can always find someone willing to take. Their friendships are often lighthearted and never serious. To them, you are just another person on a long list of people they have used and discarded like a piece of trash.

Somehow these people convince you that you're the problem, you're the reason why the friendship had failed.

I would like to offer those a little hope who have been used or felt like they have been used in a relationship like this. Opposites do seem to attract and if you're a giving person, stop giving and you won't have to deal with people who are always willing to take what you're giving. Now don't confuse this with, changing your core personality or who you really are but rather, be more observant as you offer your services or friendship to those always willing to benefit somehow from your relationship.

If you're the kind of person who doesn't have very many friends, but wishes to have some, keep looking. People who give often don't associate with other givers and people who take don't hang around other takers. If you're looking for someone like yourself, you're going to need to change or readjust your thinking somehow. You're usually the reason why you keep attracting the same type of friends into your life.

If there's a sports, hobby or something else that you enjoy, maybe you can join a club. Spending your life alone or with the wrong friends can lead to misery. Keep trying to improve your friendship skills and pretty soon you'll have friends that are truly that, true friends, people whom you can really trust and appreciate.

Achieving Your Goals

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a spiritual video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world.

Aldous Huxly

Imagine Nothing to Kill or Die for

Imagine There's No Heaven, It's Easy If You Try, No Hell below Us, above Us Only Sky, Imagine All the People Living for Today. Imagine There's No Countries, It Isn't Hard to Do, Nothing to Kill or Die for, and No Religion Too. Imagine All the People Living Life in Peace. Think about It.

It's hard to imagine, with the information today and even 50 years ago that most people still believe in religions all over the world, just because they were raised to believe in them. Religions of the future will have to adapt to change, a little faster as more people read articles like mine to promote education within your religion.

Find out a little bit more about Your Religious Freedom

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a religous help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Getting Up Earlier

Conscious Creation In the Universe Movie Video

Here's a different point of view of how life originated in what's going on on our planet and throughout the universe.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a spiritual and sell help articles filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Think About Your Life

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Goals to Live by and Guild Your Life - Self Help Tips

The start of the new year is a traditional time to reflect on the accomplishments of the previous year and establish goals for the future. Our family started setting goals when our children were still in grade school. We sat at the kitchen table, each with a blank page of paper before us. We encouraged them to be creative and dream big. The variety of my families goals surprised me. Some of their goals were loftier than others. They included:

- Skydive

- Finish college

- Invent something

- Travel to all 50 U.S. states

- Be in the Guinness Book of World Records

My husband and I also set big goals for ourselves. After each session, I typed up our goals. I printed each of our goals separately and mounted them in picture frames posted outside our bedrooms where we would see them every day. Several times a year we take them down and review our progress. We note the completed goals, make modifications or add new goals. New pages are printed and inserted as the top sheet in the frame. We have been doing this for 15 years now. During the review process, we look back on previous year goals are tucked behind the glass. When we reflect on our progress, I'm delighted to see how many of these big goals we have accomplished. Wally Amos is one of the most inspiring and goal focused people I know. I had the chance to visit with him recently at his cookie Chip and Cookie store in Waikiki. Wally says there are no big goals. According to Wally, some goals just take longer to achieve than other goals. If you get an opportunity to visit Oahu, Hawaii, stop by to say hello to Wally and sample the cookies at his "Chip and Cookie" stores. Where do you what to be next year? Start off 2009 by setting goals for yourself.

April M. Williams, Career Coach and Public Speaker - Have the courage to change!

And now I would like to offer you my free weekly newsletter of career and networking tips http://www.AprilMWilliams.com/

If You Behave Your Children Will

Friday, June 5, 2009

Are You a Spiritually Balanced Person?

Spiritualism is the ability of a person to know beyond the senses. The world can be understood as the combination of the matter and spirit. While the matter is visible and known to the senses, the spirit that is the cause of the matter is not known to the senses. The knowledge of the spirit is obtained by the observation of the matter.

Spirit is all pervasive in the world as all objects are derived from this spirit. The spirit is, therefore, also known as God, Paramatma (Universal Soul), Supreme etc. All branches of knowledge are an attempt of the man to understand this spirit. Einstein expressed this desire of the spiritual person in the following words,

"I just want to know the thoughts of God. The rest are details."

Spiritualism, contrary to the common perception, is not other-worldly as it is very much related to this world. It is an attempt to discover the ultimate reality which is hidden behind the material beings. When Newton saw an apple falling from tree, he did not focus his thoughts on the apple but on the force that is driving the apple to the ground. Then he found that the same force works between every material object of the universe. He called it gravity. Yet no one has ever seen the gravitational waves or understood the reason why such forces emerge from the matter. Yet this knowledge has been extremely valuable for the mankind.

Spirituality too is nothing but an attempt of the man to discover the unseen and unknown force that drives every reality of this world. The only requirement to become spiritual is to change the focus from the "form" to the "formless" as Osho said,

We should drop our obsession with form so that the formless can enter. The moment the manifest leaves our mind, the unmanifest enters."

Many thousands years back, Upanishads, explained spiritualism as the highest knowledge of the world in the following words (Mundaka, I, i, 6)

By this knowledge, the wise realize everywhere that which can not be perceived and grasped, which is without source, features, eyes and ears, which has neither hands nor feet, which is eternal, multiformed, all pervasive, extremely subtle and undimishing, and which is the source of all.

If the knowledge of the spirit can not be acquired by the mind and senses then, how one can get it. The answer is that the spiritual knowledge can be obtained only by the spark of the spirit that is present in every living creature, which we know as soul. Thus the source of spiritual knowledge is the soul which alone is capable of understanding the knowledge of the spirit. It is for this reason that the spiritual knowledge is also called self-realization as it emerges from within and not from outside.

Four Means of Spiritualism

The goal of spiritualism is to know the spirit, the all pervasive reality of the universe. It was found that such knowledge is possible only when the person transforms himself to a spiritual person and moves in the path of divinity or salvation. This is also known as yoga or union of Self with the God or Divine.

Bhagwat Gita provides for four paths of salvation viz. Gyanayoga (knowledge of Supreme), Karmayoga (Selfless Action), Bhaktiyoga (Faith) and Dhyanayoga (self-realization).

Since all branches of knowledge are nothing but the branches of the same tree, hence all the four paths are common in other branches of knowledge like science which describes these four steps as hypothesis, experimentation, analysis and theory.

However, people often follow the simplest path and stick to only one path instead of balancing the four methods of union. However, these people feel disappointed and disillusioned soon as they fail to evolve spiritually.

Only a person who strikes proper balance in all four types of spiritualism attaints the spiritual evolution.

1. Knowledge: Understanding Scriptures

The truth of spiritualism is hidden in the scriptures. Yet it is not the words of the scriptures that carry the essence of the knowledge but the spirit of the scriptures that can be realized only by the soul. Scriptures requires highest level of imagination and thoughts. The meanings of the texts of Bible are not comprehensible like science. For example, read this texts from Bible

And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst. John 6:35 (KJV)

Scriptures are like poems which mix reality with imagination and symbolism. The proper understanding of scriptures requires deep knowledge of life and man. Try understanding this para of Bible

Jesus said to her, `I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?'" (John 11:24-26)

Yet man with repeated effort and deep desire can grasp the truth of the scriptures just like a person after repeatedly seeing movies of different kinds or after reading fictions develop the ability to understand the truth after filtering the fiction or symbolism.

2. Selfless Action: Verification of Knowledge

Once a person has developed some understanding of the scriptures, the next step is to ensure that what he understood is correct. It has to be tested and verified just like a theory in science has to be verified by experiments. Roger Bacon (1214?-1294?) English philosopher, scientist said,

The strongest arguments prove nothing so long as the conclusions are not verified by experience. Experimental science is the queen of sciences and the goal of all speculation.

It is for this reason that Gita has given highest place to Karma amongst all paths of salvation as without action, the knowledge can never be verified. Further, like scientists, the person has to keep himself away in participating the experiments and work merely as an observer. Thus the requirement is selfless karma. Only when the experiment is done without selfish motive, the results are accurately known.

If the laws of the scriptures are properly understood, then the result of an action would result into the goal as predicted in the scriptures. If the results does not match than either the theory is wrong or the experiment is wrong.

3. Faith: Believe in Scriptures

If the theory is correct and the experiment has been performed rightly, the results of the action are same irrespective of the observer and the person. In this regard, there is no difference between a scientist and a spiritual person. Thus the results prove the theory that causes the development of faith in the theories of the scriptures.

Faith is the first achievement of the spiritually awakened person. He experiments not on others but on him, hence there are no chances of errors or manipulation. Can anyone doubt the truth of an incident which he has witnessed by his own eyes? Hence the faith is automatically generated. Repeated success of the experiment deepens the faith of the theory and his capability to understand the scriptures and the nature of the spirit.

Faith is highly valued in all religions. Bible elaborate the importance of faith in the following words

He (Jesus) told them, "Because of your lack of faith. I tell you with certainty, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.

Yet faith can never be forced as it is impossible to influence the soul. No one can lie to himself or fool himself. Faith or belief comes only when a person is really convinced about the truth or accuracy of the principles. Yet once the faith is achieved, nothing remains unachievable.

4. Self-Realization: The Power of Concentration

It takes considerable time before a person has developed the correct understanding of the scriptures and able to distinguish the truth from the symbolism. In the beginning, large deviations are found in the theory and the results of the action. However with concentration, one can realize the fault and get the right knowledge and right experimentation.

The process of deep thinking or concentration is often called the self-realization in religion as this knowledge is realized from within. In Gita, it is called Dhyanayoga or self realization which is the pinnacle of spiritualism. Self-realization has been given the highest place in all religions. In the Gita Lord Krishna says

I shall fully explain to you the Self-knowledge together with Self-realization after knowing that nothing more remains to be known in this world.

Francis Marie Arouet de Voltaire (1694-1778) French writer, philosopher explained the power of thinking in the following words,

No problem can stand the assault of sustained thinking.

A Balanced Approach to Spiritualism

Every person who intends to know the spirit or God has to balance all four paths as no single path can lead to spiritualism. Mere bookish knowledge of the scriptures can make a person philosopher but not spiritual. Knowledge without knowing is like cloths which are worn externally and can be changed anytime. This knowledge does not transform the person as he does not really know the spirit. He could only know the body of the spirit and not the True knowledge of Spirit just like none can understand a person merely from his photograph.

Similarly all selfless actions do not provide any benefit to man. First of all, without knowledge it is impossible to do any action as every action originates from a motive or desire. Action without proper knowledge may cause more harm to the person instead of giving any benefit to him.

The blind devotion or faith in the words of the scriptures is the most fetal error a man can commit in the name of religion. Such people are called fanatics or fundamentalists as they instead of knowing their scriptures know only the words. Thus they take body as the whole truth can commit unpardonable crimes in the name of God.

Finally, mere concentration does not yield to anything. It is virtually impossible to see the unseen and understand the formless without having some basic knowledge of the scriptures. Even the most awakened persons started from the scriptures before, they could develop their new understanding of the spirit. Self-realization does not come in vacuum but its feet lies firmly on the existing base of spirituality and religion. Yet the understanding and knowledge arising out of self-realization is fresh like a new born child, as it is designed from a purpose to help solve a real-life problem.

When a person combines all the four means of spiritualism, he is able to move to the higher and higher orbit of spiritualism and attain divinity, the goal of spiritualism and religion.

Dr. Awdhesh K Singh is an Engineer by education and philosopher by passion. He holds his PhD degree in the area of E-Governance.

He has published several papers in International Journals and Conferences on the subject of E-governance and the application of Artificial Intelligence tools like Fuzzy Logic (FL) and Expert Systems (ES) for E-governance.

He has keen interest in the study and application of Religion, Spirtuality and Philosophies for solving the real-life problems of the modern world.

Many of his articles are published on the website of Aatmic Science Forum and Science of Soul.

His can be contacted on the email aksinghirs [a] yahoo.com

Amit Goswami

Monday, June 1, 2009

Ramadan - Fasting in 2009

Ramadan is the time of the year when Muslims must obey one of the five pillars of Islam, fasting. Fasting is an important step all Muslims must take.

What time does fasting begin and what time does fasting ends depends on the rising of the sun and setting of the sun. You can find out what day Ramadan begins and the last day. It is customary to open you fast with dates, which are very inexpensive and can be bought from many shops, if not than something sweet will do, such as fruits etc.

When a Muslim man or woman fast they are learning how precious life is and how we should be grateful for what we have and feel as others less fortunate then we are.

Tips for fasting. There shouldn't really be any tips on Ramadan or fasting as that would perhaps defy the whole point God found Muslims to complete this task every year. But there are some things Muslims can do. Drink plenty of water before starting your fast to avoid dehydration as you are not permitted any foods or liquids of any kind while fasting.

For all of you who want quick facts about fasting than here goes, Please remember these are guidelines.

1. No eating or drinking during fasting times

2. No smoking or taking of illegal drugs

3. No sexual activities

4. No behaviors which are considered harmful

5. Fasting is not allowed during menstrual periods.

6. Medical conditions which would require you to break your fast is allowed.

Remember this is a fast of not just food but also of the soul, of our daily luxuries.

This is the time of contemplation and spirituality.

Shazia Shah is a practicing Muslim and has been a driving force behind the Muslim Matrimonials website http://www.muslimandsingle.com and http://www.asians4asians.com With Muslim Members from all over the UK and rest of the world.

Spending 15 Minutes Each Day