Sunday, May 31, 2009

Two Keys to Overcoming Shyness Immediately

Have you ever been in this situation?
You're surrounded by strangers. Interesting looking strangers; a cool guy, a happening girl. You want to spark up a just can't!

Words fail, your mind goes blank. You might even break into a nervous sweat, your hands begin visibly trembling. Instead of opening up the door to an interesting conversation, or possible even a lasting friendship or meaningful relationship, you clam up. And it kills you! You're dying to speak, to mention something that just happened right in front of both of you, to ask for the time, to say anything just to break the ice and end your self-imposed vow of silence. You try with all your might, but your mind is a blank slate and now it's too late. The moment has passed, they've moved on. You've now got plenty to say but nobody to say it to.

What is the key? What's the big secret? What does everybody else seem to know but you?

There is no secret!
There are two things I can tell you right now that will save you a lot of heartache. (There are a lot more tips, more to follow.) Your first mistake was blowing the moment completely out of proportion. You took an ordinary situation and built it up in your head until there was no way out. By the end of the above scenario, if the person actually turned to you and spoke you probably would've blushed and blurted out something like this:

Seemingly Interesting Stranger
: Hey, did you just see that three legged dog driving a giant cigar? What was that about?
You: Oh, um, yellow. He? I mean Hi. Geez, is that the time?

This is followed by the sound of you, running for the hills.

What made you react this way? What could you have lost by opening your mouth in the first place? Nothing! You were afraid, and your fear was completely unjustified and self-imposed. That fear came from inside of you and nowhere else; this means you have the power to control it. The first thing you need to realize is that there is nothing to fear! Well, if the person you want to speak to is holding a hunting knife and staring at you with dilated pupils that might be a different story. If this happens to be the case, stick to your original plan of running for the hills.

Even just being able to identify this as an obstacle is a lightening of the load. Overcoming this fear is really a very simple task now that you know it exists. You have nothing to fear, ever. It's that simple. It doesn't matter who's standing beside you that you'd like to talk to. Is it the morning weatherman from your local news channel? It's just a person! A man in a leather jacket? Also just a person! A cute girl? Person! A knife wielding maniac? ...I digress. Some of these people are nice and open to conversation, some are complete assholes, but they're all just people. Imagine if the situation was reversed and you were standing on the corner, looking seemingly interesting, and hearing their thoughts. There would be humming and hawing rolling through that head, and fear! They're afraid to speak to you! Honestly, if you heard this you'd think they were crazy. Fear is the first key. It might sound easier said than done, but it isn't.

The second key is just as simple; have something to say. Preferably something to say that's interesting, not lame small talk about the weather. Humor is your friend here. We're not talking dumb one-liners, real spur of the moment humor. A lot of people consider small talk stupid, dull, moronic and redundant...and they're usually right. How many times have you had to listen to meaningless blather like this:

Uninteresting Stranger: Sure it hot today, huh?

You: Sure is."

Uninteresting Stranger: Gonna be hot again tomorrow too.

You: Oh really?

Uninteresting Stranger: Yup. Real hot.

You: Hmmm.

Uninteresting Stranger: That's right. At least as hot as today.

You: *unintelligible grunt*

Uninteresting Stranger: Always hot in the summer though, you can count on that.

You: Geez, is that the time?

Uninteresting Stranger: Yup, some time as yesterday, when it was just about as hot as this.

This is followed by the sound of you, running for the hills.

There, in a nutshell, are two important keys to overcoming shyness.

John Donland, aka Dr.Talk. is the author of

Do Only A Few Go To Heaven

Conversations with God - Video

I Recommend Watching This Video and Then Picking up the Book If You're Interested in Any Spiritual Change

Just how big of a deal is Money in Organized Religion. Your money is used for various things and some of them, you might not really want to spend the money on. Something to think about.

If you want to read something funny and get your daily laugh in, you need to read this, it's funny Using Religion Responsibility. It's based on overindulgence.

Living With What If In Your Life
Feeling Alive Teenage Problems

Midlife Women in the Age of Miracles

Are you living your life's dream right now? Women, midlife can be the age of miracles for you. If you are not yet living your dream but are still alive? There's still time!

Victor Hugo once said "Each one should frame his life so that at some future hour fact and his dreamings meet."

There is a story told that years ago, while unearthing an ancient Egyptian tomb, an archaeologist came upon seeds buried in a piece of wood. When they were planted, the seeds realized their potential after more than 3,000 years!

There are seeds of possibility in all of us still. Allow yourself some waking DREAMING... what do you see for yourself?

It's becoming clearer and clearer to me how we create every aspect of our lives - and when we get truly alert - or conscious, we begin to see how we get to SEE in life only that which we have already SEEN in mind..

Do you know where you're going to?
You're going wherever you SEE yourself going...
Take time this week - randomly set an alarm during the day - and when it goes off ask -

is what I'm doing right now taking me where I want to go?

Do you like the things that life is showing you?
It's showing you what you were able to see in the past.
If you don't like what you are seeing - Start SEEING it differently.. Scripture tells us - without a vision, the people perish... Without knowing where you are going - you'll dissipate the energy on things that are meaningless...

How do you see yourself? Where do you see yourself in a year? What are you doing? Who are you being? In 5 years? And ultimately - what's your REAL AIM in life? Women in midlife have the perfect opportunity to ask these questions.

SPEND Time EVERY day picturing what you would have your life to be...

-Create Treasure Maps if you're visual -

-Tell yourself if your auditory...

-Test drive the car if your kinesthetic
You KNOW to do these things-- are you doing them? And,
If not, why not?

You probably have about one third of a lifetime - at least - left. Don't let being a woman in midlife stop you.

This truly can be your age of miracles.

And so, I would like to offer a support system for getting clear on what you want. In fact, I'm all about creating a new Midlife paradigm. When you subscribe to my free Midlife newsletter, you'll also receive instant access to a special report called, "7 Secrets for Reinventing Midlife from the Inside-Out". Go now and submit your comments on my blog Midlife Messages

Dr. Toni LaMotta, Midlife Reinvention Specialist, award winning author, and inspirational keynote speaker.

Understanding Faithful Followers

A Review of "Transformational Life Coaching" - A Book For Mentors and Mentees Everywhere

There are many different indicators in today's world demonstrating that humanity has reached a new level of awareness and appreciation for its own existence. If we look at the shifts in the types of occupations being pursued (and sought after), the abundance of life coaches and personal development mentors is like a mirror held up to our collective psyche. It seems to say that life is a precious experience, and we simply want to be sure that we're present for it in every way possible. To coin a somewhat overused phrase: We seek to live authentically.

In 1977, long before having a "life coach" was something commonly discussed at Starbucks, Dr. Cherie Carter-Scott published her first book on the subject and began a career that eventually, would find her labeled, "The Mother of Coaching." New Species (published in 1978) was to become the first of many books Dr. Scott would write on personal development. The long list includes, "Negaholics," a series of 'Rules' books - including "If Life is a Game, These are the Rules," and her most recent work, "Transformational Life Coaching."

Transformation Life Coaching throws open the doors to Life Coaching School and invites us all inside. Although written for those who either are, or espouse to become, mentors in the transformational movement, this book is an accessible "how to" for anyone. It welcomes all those who have spent time seeking to develop a better appreciation with their own life and how they intend to live it. Chapter 1 literally outlines what to look for and how to choose a coach, offering twenty-five important questions to discuss during the interview process.

In this book, Dr. Scott has created a virtual concordance of information, challenges for personal thought patterns and judgment, practical exercise and reference tools to use over and over. Embracing many global teachings, Dr. Scott often refers to the different chakras, or energy centers, as tools to release the ego and be of maximum service to others. As she explains, "You are in the process of opening up and taking control of your power," and by deeply understanding each energy center, we will be able to literally, "open and close each chakra at will."

Imagine being able to consciously open the fifth chakra (which controls speech and communication) in order to more fully participate in our marriage or work relationships - or being able to close down our first chakra, which embodies survival and security, so that we might be more risky and daring in our professional roles or fearlessly take on new adventures in life.

Dr. Scott has spent most of her professional life traveling the world and sharing her expertise on personal empowerment and development at every turn. On her website she shares that, "Writing a book is not done with the wave of a wand. It takes time to reflect and soul search for the universal truths related to each developmental phase." These same words could definitely be applied to the very journeys that Dr. Scott encourages us to make with our lives.

What we know about coaching is that it is not only sought after, but it is necessary in today's fast-paced world of endless challenges. From corporate teams to softball teams, being coached and coaching others on how to live as appreciatively and authenticity as possible is a proactive way to turn roadblocks into paving stones on your road of success.

Dr. Success (aka Andrea Goeglein, Ph.D.)

(702) 243-4040

Water Damage Mold

Home Work - Wisdom Behind the Monster

Is home work really such a bad thing, a monster to be feared, an act to be condemned? I don't think so, for the fact that it is the "home work", that really teaches one "to be there - in that instant", for our ever wandering aimless mind. Teachers / Lecturers / professors ( call what you may !) who religiously gave home work were never in the good-books of students and parents alike. He/ She was always scorned for "passing the buck" , and washing his / her hands off the responsibility of "teaching". Little does the parents ( past , present and most likely the future too) realise that "Home work is also a part of the learning process". Now, Isn't that supposed to be a teacher's final objective.?. How can he / she be blamed for "doing the job"?

Few things happened in the past week, that triggered these thoughts in my mind.Basically, I am not surprised by emails, especially those who request information and guidelines to be an independent freelancer. I am only too willing to help them.For this i have set up an Orkut Community, for open sharing of concerns. Yet many prefer to be anonymous.Please be assured,all the freelancers can 'grab' an average of 5 projects a month, and still there will be projects waiting in queue to be awarded. Freelancing is a huge sector, where every skill has a market, and there is a client for every market.

Normally, when I receive a request form a reader (read aspiring freelancer), I try to provide relevant links and referrals so that he / she knows where to start. I also make a point to tell them that it is important they do an extensive Google search on the industry they are familiar with / have expertise on. Being a Virtual Assistant, I am able to share the "aspects" in being a freelance VA , but i may not be the right person to answer industry specific technical queries with respect to Virtual Assistance.

After the initial pleasantries , mail requests takes a turn saying ,

"I have done [Edu.Qualif], I am working in [ This industry] for the [n] years and I also know [Some application / etc]. Can you help me with what kind of jobs I can do online as a freelancer. Then I can also become a freelancer like you."

Now, correct me if I am wrong, isn't this sender asking me to send job profiles along his way ? ( oh! By the way . . . you can recruit a VA to do just exactly this for you.)

This is where the 'concept' of Homework kicks in. Having the desire to do something off the beaten track is good. But unless this desire is fuelled by the inherent urge to seek answers.( ie without waiting for the answers to drop on your lap), there is no room for development.

As I said earlier "Home Work" is a part of the learning experience. So, don't harbour the tendency to shy from homework. Google throws more than what we ask for. Now how hard it is to sit through the rubble and sift for something that could be an answer to your question.

I am a freelance Virtual Assistant from Bangalore.

Contact me at with your requirement, and I shall get back to you with 1 business day. I am sure, we will be able to work things out together.

Is King Solomon Going To Heaven

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Imagine a World without Hell

Imagine There's No Heaven, It's Easy If You Try, No Hell below Us, above Us Only Sky, Imagine All the People Living for Today. Imagine There's No Countries, It Isn't Hard to Do, Nothing to Kill or Die for, and No Religion Too. Imagine All the People Living Life in Peace. Think about It.

It's hard to imagine, with the information today and even 50 years ago that most people still believe in religions all over the world, just because they were raised to believe in them. Religions of the future will have to adapt to change, a little faster as more people read articles like mine to promote education within your religion.

Find out a little bit more about Your Religious Freedom

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a religous help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Life Lessons About Paying Rent
My Childhood Religious Beliefs

Raising Children With Love

I myself was a product of a child brought up in a Christian home, even though I would not consider my parents strong Christians. Both of my parents did what they believed was right and raised me and my siblings to the best of their ability. I sincerely believe my mother and father did the best they could with the information they had available at the time.

Were my parents inspiring me to become a better person, morally with discipline and obedience, or were they manipulating me to become a better person through religion and schooling. As children we don't have a lot of free will and as adults it seems like we have even less, the more we become controlled by our government, religion, family, friends or even our workplace, where we seem to spend most of our waking hours.

I believe we need to inspire our children through education and as a good parental example. This means we need to quit telling our children what to do and how to act and start doing so ourselves. Just because you go to church or your place of worship, does not make you a good person.

Manipulating our children with religion and raising them as products of our society, is often like farmers raising animals to have their lives sacrificed for others to benefit from. The minute we raise our children to fit into society, instead of questioning it, we are basically surrendering our free will and fitting into society to follow the laws and guidelines created by our governments.

Whenever someone in America says they are free, or this is the land of the free, I often look around at the people who have very little say in the lives they lead. Sure you get to choose whether you want to buy an ice cream or take a walk down the street but we are still blinded by the control placed upon us by our society.

I don't believe our children benefit from manipulation and control. I feel our children would do better if we acted as stewards towards them instead of owners. I have always viewed my children as individuals and often guided them through inspiration instead of manipulation.

I'm not asking you to let your children run wild through the grocery stores, raise your children with guidance and discipline but don't impose your will or beliefs upon them, we often do more damage in the long run creating a race of followers instead of thinkers. It seems like spoiled children become menaces to society eventually.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a inspirational video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Here is a rare thought is apparent, why don't you learn to be a good example for your children.

Believing In Yourself

Why Do You Smoke?

Have you ever thought about why you smoke? The answer to this question is important and can make a big difference in your success at quitting smoking. As a smoker I really never thought about why I smoked. When I felt cravings, anger, sad, and bored I typically would have a cigarette. It seemed to do the job and make me feel better. The craving would go away and if I were angry or sad it seemed to make me feel better. So why is this?

Years ago I starting smoking in high school because it was the cool thing to do. Back then I smoked only to smoke. After awhile I became addicted to the nicotine so I ended up smoking because I was addicted. Over the years I discovered that smoking helped with other areas of my life such as dealing with my feelings and emotional circumstances. Now I was smoking not only because I was addicted to nicotine but also it was my daily crutch.

Once I was able to figure out the reasons why I smoked I was able to better prepare myself for quitting. By journaling when and why I smoked I was able to compile a list of the types of situations, feeling, and times that I really wanted to smoke. This list became the foundation for my quit smoking program.

Beyond the obvious addiction to nicotine I knew I had to change my thinking about smoking. Yes, smoking did have short-term benefits to get me through difficult times but in the long run I just felt guilty for smoking. I discovered that there are healthier ways to deal with the circumstances that made me want to smoke. If you are not sure how to deal with things without smoking look to see what other people do. There is a vast amount of information and support groups available that can help you in this area of quitting smoking.

By knowing the reasons why I smoked I was able to find specific information and tools to incorporate into my daily life and thinking that helped me quit smoking. Millions of people get through life fine without smoking, I discovered that I too could be one of these people. By identifying the reasons why you smoke before you quit smoking you can be ready to handle most circumstances upon quitting.

Visit Jason D's website for additional information on the Quit Smoking Programs and Effective Ways to Quit Smoking.

Starting With Simple Things

5 Steps to Successful Transitions

Point A to Point B - life generally moves along as it should. The sticky parts are the transitions, the moments of instability when things change from what is to what is about to be. Life makes so much more sense when we finally realize that everything between birth and death is a transition! The sooner we make this universal truth real for students, the better they will handle the minefield of transitions they face every day.

Positive or negative, planned or unexpected, transitions force us to leave behind the familiar and adjust to new ways of living. The boss I just figured out gets transferred. I finally accept gas costing over $1.00 a gallon and, well, you know how that one ends! Change is everywhere, but it doesn't have to be exhausting. Here are five ways to make transitions exciting and creative rather than frightful and paralyzing.

1. Things are going to change. Day changes to night, your job, neighborhood, family and vacation plans change. Get over it.

2. Look at a bigger picture. What really is changing? What will this change cause to change? Often a transition is much broader than it first appears. Dorothy thought she was only had a tornado to deal with.

3. Gather your resources. Now is the time to take care of yourself and your business. A transition is not an event, but a process that always takes longer and costs more than you anticipated.

4. Use this Force, this is the only time you will have it. We are never totally without control. A transition means that something is moving so, rather than struggle, take advantage of the momentum to catapult you in the direction YOU want to go. For a great example of this strategy, listen to politicians. Whatever unwanted question they are asked, they structure the response to get across the information they want to give. The power is in the opportunity!

5. Anticipate. Few things in life are really a surprise. Look at people with lives and jobs similar to yours and see what might be coming for you. It's much easier to step into a transition with a controlled slide rather than to get dropped into one when it hits you from behind. New comers watch young executives with a few years under their belts. Parents watch others raising children slightly older than their own to see what to expect. Be ready.

Pat yourself on the back. If you're reading this article, you've already survived many transitions and come to recognize them as the difference between the leaders out in front and those who struggle with every step. Stepping into the transitions we can anticipate and bouncing back quickly from the surprises will position you ahead of the crowd every time!

Marcey J. Walsh is a national speaker and transition trainer. She is a team member of Russell J. White International and can be reached at or at 877-275-9468

Action Plan For Success

Friday, May 29, 2009

Religious Thought - Are You Confused About Heaven?

As a young boy and even into my early adult hood, I asked almost every one that I knew, what they thought heaven was going to be like. These people painted me the most wonderful and beautiful pictures, with the words coming out of their mouths. One woman told me that heaven was going to be the most wonderful place you could ever imagine. She told me that, I would be able to do anything that I wanted to do at any time of the day or night.

All I can say to this, is why are we afraid to die and why do we put that much effort into staying here, when heaven sounds like the place we all want to be. This becomes very confusing during troubled times. We live our whole life to be the best we can possibly be, and then and only then do we get to enter the kingdom of heaven, the most wonderful place in the universe.

Another man told me that, if I wanted to go to heaven, the more good deeds I did on earth, the better buy chances were of actually entering heaven. He said that some people don't get to go, because they did a couple of bad things or maybe one really, really bad thing, like murder. I often wondered what would be worse, murder or painting demonic symbols on the walls of a church, mosque or synagogue. I hope I'm not confusing you anymore than organized religions.

Well now that I have a pretty good idea, that in order to enter into heaven, I need to do good things... that's what I will do for the rest of my life. Sounds simple doesn't it. Now for the bad news, depending on which religion you choose to follow and don't forget that Christianity is one religion that allows you, something special, right before you die, no matter how bad of a person you were to accept Jesus Christ into your heart and accept him as the Almighty God, and this gets you one free pass into heaven.

Am I confusing you at all, does this make sense? When the man told me, that, the only way I would get to go to heaven was by doing good deeds and then the Bible tells me that, I just need to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and I get to go to the promised land, heaven. All right now were talking, this sounds pretty good now. I won't have to do very many good things and before I die can ask forgiveness for all the bad things I did.

I don't know what's true, but I can say that it gets a little confusing and as you go from religion to religion and place of worship to other places of worship, you will hear different stories, from different religious leaders. I can't make much sense out of some religions, but if you want to believe in heaven, there is someone out there who can paint you, the most wonderful picture of heaven in your mind. Whether we really get to go there or not, depends on what you want to believe in.

I wrote this article to get people thinking about the choices they've made and the religions they choose to follow. Is your religion right and others are wrong? Ask yourself this one question, think back, to when you made a conscious choice to follow the religion you're in right now, if any, most of the time you started believing as a child and never really got to choose because your parents, teachers, friends, family or guardians made a choice for you.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, spiritual books

If you want to read something funny and get your daily laugh in, you need to read this, it's funny Using Religion Responsibility. It's based on overindulgence.

Life Lessons About Paying Rent

Why Goals Don't Work

I was talking to a friend of mine this morning about her financial goals for the year. After listening to her for a few minutes, I interrupted to ask how she felt about those goals.

There was a long pause. Finally, I asked if I could share my thoughts about goals - why I don't set them for myself, and why I think they're terribly limiting and frustrating.

By the end of the call, she was in tears, and I nearly was. I had been in the right place at the right time for her, and had helped her see a new way of approaching her business, her clients, and her whole life - a way that felt scary, but spacious and even inspiring in ways that traditional goal-setting just can't achieve.

Are you ready to try something new? Here's what I shared with her; I hope it will be as inspiring to you.

Goals are like Boxes
When you were a kid, it was fun to play in big packing boxes. But squashing your life into one is a very different feeling. And that's what goals do.

I've observed over and over again, with myself and with clients, that setting goals creates limitations - and panic! Once a goal is set, you immediately start thinking about it; you can't stop thinking about it. Everything you do is focused on achieving the goal. My friend saw all her potential clients as walking dollar signs- not very comfortable for her or for them!

"How will I meet my goal? What happens if I don't succeed? Will everyone think I'm a failure?" Then, as my friend commented this morning, there's always the "Oh, I didn't really mean that" thing that happens when a goal starts to feel unreachable.

On the other hand, when you finally reach your goal you think, "Ahhh... I achieved it. Now I can relax." And you put your feet up and take a deep breath. Whether you do this literally or figuratively, you've stopped. What amazing things would happen if you kept going? You'll never know.

An Invitation to Be
So I asked my friend, "Who would you be if you weren't so focused on financial goals?"

There was another long silence, but this one was full of electricity - I could almost see the exclamation marks flying in her thoughts. Finally, she said, "I don't know!"

"I've asked myself that question before," she added, "but it's always been what would I do. I never thought of asking who I would be."

When you start with an intention to be something special, to be more of who you really are, the goals you might have set are nothing compared to what you'll actually receive, accomplish, and experience. Just as I've seen people box themselves in with goals, I've seen them set themselves free with an intention to be.

The more powerfully you set the intention, the better. Set an intention that stretches you, that pushes you out of your habits, that makes you feel nervous and vulnerable. Set your intention with commitment and heart, even when it frightens you.

I know someone who was always giving. Immensely generous of spirit and in action, she felt threatened and vulnerable in receiving. When she set an intention to be someone who receives as well as giving, she knew it would be challenging. What she didn't know was how amazingly rewarding it would be. She received gifts of friendship, service, joy, peace, and love that have changed her life forever, in ways she could not have imagined.

And all she did was set the intention - and then she noticed whether she was being in alignment with that intention.

What will you be?

(c)Grace L. Judson

Helping professionals who loathe corporate politics and want to lead with integrity and compassion.

About the Author

I'm Grace Judson, the founder of and driving force behind Svaha Concepts.

Feeling trapped between your career goals and your loathing for "playing politics"? You can remain true to your values and integrity and still be politically savvy. For more information or to access my free resources (including my free workbook "The Five Deadly Shoulds of Office Politics that Maul, Mangle, and Murder Careers (and what to do about them)," please visit Svaha Concepts' website.

Vibration And Universal Energy

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Book Review - Mixed - My Life in Black and White

"I hate covert racism. I always hated guessing whether someone is being mean/rude/nervous because they hate my race or because they are having a bad day. As I got older, I noticed that covert racism is like depression: You know it when you feel it, but it's hard to explain to someone who has never experienced it. It's like a sixth sense that God has given people of color that white people don't believe in. We just know."

In her memoir "Mixed: My Life in Black and White" (2006), Angela Nissel writes of the struggles she faces while growing up biracial. Nissel's name may be familiar to fans of the NBC comedy series "Scrubs." She has been a staff writer for the show for four years and is now consulting producer. As a starving artist (a.k.a. freelance writer), Nissel sold some goods on eBay for extra cash. The winning bidder for one of those items was a television executive who had read her first book "The Broke Diaries" (2001), which was about her days as a broke college student. The eBay winner introduced Nissel to a television literary agent who sent copies of "The Broke Diaries" to shows hiring comedy writers. Nissel had numerous job offers, but chose "Scrubs."

Her knack for sarcastic, quick-witted humor that is a driving force in "Scrubs" is what makes "Mixed" a must read. When Nissel is in the fourth grade, two of her classmates, Jimmy and Michael, call her a zebra. (That isn't the humorous part.) Nissel's father finds out and goes to the boys' houses with Angela. Jimmy's parents scold their son. However, Michael's father slams the door in Angela's father's face. That father's dog has been using the Nissels' yard as a bathroom, so Angela's father concocts a hilarious scheme involving an Ex-Lax pill. Angela asks her father whether the Ex-Lax will hurt the dog. "'No, just Michael's father's carpets,'" her dad replies.

Later, though, Angela discovers that her father has been cheating on her mother, but even this situation is steeped in humor. "I already knew my parents were having problems and she suspected my father of cheating. (Note to parents: Trying to have cryptic conversations by spelling words out no longer works once your child is reading.) Then later, "Ever since the first argument about my father c-h-e-a-t-i-n-g with w-h-o-r-e-s, my mother had started working a lot...."

The thing about this book is that the comedic moments are also sad ones. And this is Nissel's strength: She makes you laugh, but she also makes you think. Comments from people about her looks teach her that there is "good" hair and an "ugly" nose. The features people consider pretty are from her white father.

She went to all-black schools, all-white schools, public, private, schools associated with different religions-yet she never fit in. She was never white enough or black enough, so she was the target of merciless teasing. "Being a mixed child, you get used to people staring at you," she writes. She immediately follows with humor: "I learned that rolling my eyes or sticking out my tongue was the quickest way to get people to avert their gazes." She learns that being biracial is no easier in the dating world. She notices that of six black male coworkers at a production company, "five had white wives and one was dating an Asian girl."

The book is filled with Nissel's struggles, but she doesn't want you to feel sorry for her; she is explaining how her experiences (good or bad) made her who she is. She makes you care about the people in her life, particularly her mother, who let her daughter change schools and religions-almost as often as she changed her clothes-in an attempt to find herself. Nissel doesn't censor herself-or anyone else-which makes for brilliant dialogue and unapologetic honesty.

What Is The Secret Of Life

Monday, May 25, 2009

Life is a Journey Not a Destination

Life is a journey, not a destination is a phrase that has become popular. Have you pondered the true meaning of this statement? If you have, you no doubt, recognize that, life is a journey with many steps on your unique personal journey that takes you down a winding and sometimes bumpy road of constant evolution. Each day, you are provided a myriad of opportunities that allow you to transform into your next best self--more of who you truly are.

Each moment on your journey, you are presented with an opportunity to react differently when yet another someone or something in your life rubs you the wrong way, or you may find yourself wanting to walk away from a circumstance, but are not sure if that is the right thing to do. However, you may find yourself stuck in a rut that seems impossible from which to extricate yourself. You may even make the same choices over and over again because you do not know how to choose otherwise.

Rather than moving you forward, your present path may take you in a seemingly never-ending circle where your actions and choices lead you, not only, nowhere, but to where you've been before. It is during these repetitious moments that awareness becomes the first step to change.

Awareness is the moment when you are able to recognize what you are doing at the deepest level. You observe yourself, noticing your actions, reactions and choices in real time. Awareness is the first step to change because you can not make a change unless you are aware of what needs to be changed.

You can then understand why you are doing what you are doing. Afterward, it becomes difficult not to change because you are no longer in a fog about what you are doing. You will, also, realize that as much as you are the root source behind the causes for your behaviors, you are also the originator for any changes that you need to make.

There is infinite freedom in your awareness. Rather than thinking that you are stuck in a repetitive cycle with no escape, you will begin to see how you play a role in creating your life. Whether you are aware of them or not, your behaviors and choices are yours to make. Your past and present no longer have to dictate your future when you choose to be aware in real time. You are then free to move beyond your old limits, make new choices, and take new actions. With awareness, you take a new path that moves you forward while paving the way for new experiences and new ways of being. It is through awareness that you can continue to consciously evolve.

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, "101 Great Ways To Improve Your Life." Dr. Dorothy has the unique gift of connecting people with a broad range of profound principles that resonate in the deepest part of their being. She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one's daily thoughts and feelings.

Habits To Prevent Losing Things

Self Esteem Issues - Their Growth and How to Overcome Them

Self esteem is how we perceive our self, the way we value our self, the worth we put on our self as a person. Although this has nothing to do with how other people perceive us, it is about how we perceive other people to perceive us.

If we suffer from low self esteem we will feel very lowly about ourselves thus filling us with self doubt. We can end up doubting everything about us, including our appearance, intelligence, capability, how much people like us and the worth of what we have to say. We can feel very lonely and different from other people.

Low self esteem can be caused by many different things. It could be bullying or constantly being put down. Someone, very often a family member, telling the person that they are not doing well enough, that they are useless or worthless or a combination of all of those things.

Whatever the cause is, it makes little, if any, difference to how the person feels. The overwhelming feelings of being a lesser person, inadequate, useless or worthless, and above all different!

This can happen at any age. Sometimes it can be in the very early, formative years of a child possibly living in the shadow of an older sibling, but could just as easily be at a much later time of life caused through a controlling relationship

These feelings can have a devastating effect on the persons life, restricting them and stopping them from going to certain places. They may avoid some activities or associating with some people for very often the unnecessary fear of being ridiculed. This can stop them from making relationships or pursuing a particular career.

Abusing somebody, be it by bullying, controlling, putting them down by telling them how useless they are, or in any other way, will understandably give that person doubts about themselves. They will think why do people treat me like that? What is it about me that make others treat me like that? There must be something wrong with me. It is these negative thoughts that are the seeds of low self esteem.

When someone has those self doubts and negative thoughts it effects how they act. They avoid situations where they might feel uncomfortable. They act in a negative way and therefore, get a negative response from others making them feel even more negative. This starts a downward cycle of feeling negative, acting negative, getting a negative response, then feeling even more negative.

How other people perceive the sufferer is of enormous importance to them. Unfortunately, what they imagine others are thinking about them will invariably be negative.

So how can we overcome low self esteem? The first thing we should remember is that it will have probably taken a long time for our self esteem to have sunk so low. Going down that spiral of negative feeling, negative actions, getting negative response, making you feel more negative. So what we need to do is become more positive in the way we feel. As negative feelings grow so do positive feelings. To many of us the thought of changing from feeling and acting negative to positive is a massive step and so it is, but the good news is all we need to do is feel a little bit more positive and then allow that feeling to grow.

The thought of changing negative thoughts to positive ones for anyone suffering from low esteem can be very daunting, but all we need to do is start the process.

I have found with my clients if they can accept the fact that they are not as important to others as they feel they are, it can very often help them to start those positive feelings. It is a fact that the only people we are important to are those who love or care for us. It is ironic that it is these people that we all feel confident and comfortable with. To all others it is unimportant what we look like, what we wear, what we say or how we act, as they are unimportant to us. If we are walking along the street and we see someone fall over or walk into a lamp post we may feel sorry for them or have a little smile, but a few steps further we have seen something in a shop window and that person has gone from our thoughts forever because there are too many other things to think about, and that is how every one reacts.

If we accept what we are like is not that important to other people we need no longer worry about what they think about us, a very positive thought. It is only a start, but very often that first small, positive thought is all that is needed to allow the growing process to begin.

Add a relaxation therapy like hypnotherapy or aromatherapy to help the sufferer become more relaxed and calm, then those feelings can start to change and that negative, downward cycle can turn into an upward, positive one.

Henry is a fully qualified hypnotherapist specialising in emotional problems. For more information on low self esteem and hypnotherapy please go to

Fear Based Motivation

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Yoga and Balance

As we explored various ways to do poses using wall ropes, we taught our discoveries to others. During this time, a group of students from abroad came to study with Guruji. They had studied with him in the past and were eager to learn "what was new". They were all thrilled with the new wall rope system, and when they left, they expressed their desire to put up wall ropes in their studios back home.

Two years later, the same group returned to continue their studies at the Institute. We were astonished! They could no longer do the poses that required strength or endurance. Their intensity had faded and their poses had wilted. Their bodies were floppy, depleted of spunk and strength. We couldn't understand what had happened. Very diplomatically, we inquired about their daily practice. They said they had been so excited about the wall ropes that their entire practice now consisted of hanging on wall ropes in one pose after another! We had our answer: An approach that had been designed to merely balance an active practice had become their sole practice, hence their practice was now an imbalanced practice.

The young and aggressive members of our group of student teachers had a good laugh at the expense of these yogic bats, yet they continued to practice in their own imbalanced ways. Many of them felt that they were far too young and fit to bother with restorative poses at all. Restoratives were for the old or the weak! Or the lazy! These young teachers just wanted to "go for the burn," and become lean and mean.

They wanted to become as physically attractive to the opposite sex as possible, yet somehow appear "yogic". As an inevitable consequence, one of these young teachers became physically abusive to his wife and children. Another ended up with extremely high blood pressure, while yet another became chronically irate and judgmental. Still another, violently pushing against the tensions that were bottled up inside him, ended up resorting to the bottle. So, while those who practiced only restoratives could barely hold themselves up, those who practiced only vigorous poses ended up agitated, overly sexed, and violent. Ah, balance! Why are you so hard to find?

Aadil Palkhivala2008

And now I invite you to claim your Free Instant Access to an excerpt of my new book, Fire of Love: Chapter 5: Feeling, from Fire of Love

To buy a copy - click on this link: Yoga Centers Online Store

Friday, May 22, 2009

Create Your Day - Video

Watch and Learn

Just how big of a deal is Money in Organized Religion. Your money is used for various things and some of them, you might not really want to spend the money on. Something to think about.

If you want to read something funny and get your daily laugh in, you need to read this, it's funny Using Religion Responsibility. It's based on overindulgence.

Suggestions For Lifes Problems
Choices We Make In Life

Motivation to Exercise - Staying Motivated When Exercising

According to magazines, everyone sticks to a workout program for the first month or so. It's fun and the gym is full of electric energy. You can't help but come and be a part of it. Slowly though, the momentum begins to slow and we see the inside of the gym or the track at the high school less and less.

What can you do? We all have our off days. Work drives us crazy, the kids are screaming, and on top of that we burned dinner. Okay so all of these things don't happen at the same time, but they could. The last thing on your mind will be driving to the gym or throwing a tape in the VCR.

The problem with exercise is that when we miss one day it is easier to miss the second and the third day. Even when we enjoy it, other factors come into play. Family, work, stress, and things outside our control all can derail us at some time.

On the other side of the coin, we workout each day and watch what we eat. When we step on the scale after all that hard work and it hasn't budged, that is not encouraging. It is a blow to the stomach and can send some people for the ice cream in the fridge to sooth their heartbreak.

Stay motivated by remembering why you decided it was time to lose weight in the first place. Losing weight can be the difference between living a healthy life and being on medication for conditions that are a result of obesity. Knowing that you may not be alive to see your kids grow up or grow old with your spouse is a major motivation.

It is not the one cupcake or the one time you eat too much pizza. We all have times when we want to eat what we want as a way to kick back. It is falling back into bad habits that are the problem.

Another way to stay motivated is by changing your thinking. When you are stressed, exercise relieves stress. You don't have to go to the gym. You can work in the garden. Ripping out weeds is a good workout and a way to beat the stress in your life. Imagine each weed is a problem you are gaining control over and pull baby pull.

I actually banned myself from using the scale. I stood on it to find out my starting weight, but then used my clothes as a guide for gauging how well I was doing with my program. This made a huge difference to my self-esteem and will to keep going.

Whatever matters most to you, remind yourself of that fact when you feel like giving up. Post it on the wall in big neon letters if you have to, just don't throw away the progress you've made and remember Rome wasn't built in a day and you're weight won't all come off that fast either.

Find out 101 amazing ways to lose 10 pounds! Get your FREE ebook by clicking the following link:

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What's so Important about Learning - Zig Ziglar Video

Zig Ziglar explains how the learned will inherit the earth.

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Helpful Habit Planning Tips

At Least Two Voices

Everything and everybody has both a good and a bad side. This is without exception. Nothing is ever all good or all bad . . . Ever!

No matter how bad a situation may seem at first, if you stop for a moment and take a closer look, you will be able to find some good in the situation.

This is an important fact that can greatly impact your life. This fact lets you know for certain that you indeed have a choice to make in every situation.

One day I was exiting a parking lot and at the same time another driver was entering. We almost had a head on collision. Thank GOD we both stopped in time.

It was pretty obvious that we were both shaken by the near-accident.

The lady in the other car started yelling some obscenities at me and automatically a voice came in my head shouting loudly at me to defend myself. "Who does she think she is? She's the one in the wrong here! Don't let her curse at you like that!"

I was about to let her have it when I thought, "Stop! What is the good in this situation?"

A second voice, a lot softer and gentler, reminded me that we had just avoided an accident. "Thank GOD you were both able to stop in time."

I looked at the hysterical lady and said very gently, "I'm so glad we both were able to stop in time. We successfully avoided what could have been a horrible accident."

She paused for a moment, looked at me and smiled. "You're right." She replied, and we both happily went on our way.

Remember that there will always be two voices giving you advice from which you can choose. One voice is of the negative aspects of a situation and this voice is usually the loudest and the quickest. The second voice is the voice that states the positives of a situation and is usually quieter and softer.

Before choosing to immediately react to the first negative voice, choose to wait for the second positive voice. Choose to listen to the positives because it really is your choice to make.

Choose to energize your mind, body and soul with the positives!

YOUR LIFE really can be as beautiful and as bountiful as YOU create it to be! Self Empowerment is the Key!

Karen E. Smith is the author of Energy Diet, a self empowerment eBook. She is also a book reviewer for, a book review web site featuring reviews of empowerment books that motivate, inspire and educate.

Please visit The Energy Diet Book Web site to learn how you can empower your life:

Please visit The Animated Book Reviews web site for some empowering books:

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Raising Vibration

Raising Vibration

All of us want better, happier lives for ourselves and our families but too many of us simply don't realize how to bring about these desired improvements in our daily existence. We think we are powerless to control our own futures or to call into being the very things we wish we had the most. That's because so few of us understand the law of attraction and how it can provide the solutions we long for.

The Law of Attraction: A Brief Discussion

While many of you may already be somewhat familiar with the Law of Attraction, it seems important enough that it should be briefly introduced for the sake of readers who are new to the idea and to make sure we are all on the same page regarding what this means for us and for our futures.

The idea of the Law of Attraction - sometimes also known as the Law of Vibration - is that what we think we can make happen. For example, if you want a better job you can focus on mentally bringing this about. However, you must remain positive in thinking. You can't doubt that a better job is not going to be in your future. By thinking about what you want, you can cause it to manifest in your world meaning you can get that new job you want.

What is Our Vibration?

Each thought we have is a vibration. The vibration leaves us and goes out into the universe where it attracts the concrete manifestations of our thoughts then pulls them back to us. And for many of us this is where the problem lies.

Our thoughts are made of energy and different thoughts will possess different energy levels. Unlike the world of physics where things that are alike are repelled and that which is different is attracted, our thought vibrations actually attract the same level of energy. For example, if we are positive and enthusiastic in our thoughts this creates a high vibration and we can expect positive things to be attracted back to us. However, if are pessimistic, worried, or doubting then we will be sending low energy out into the universe and we will not get back what we want.

Clearly, the key is in Raising Vibration Energy so that we can consistently send out high energy into the universe.

Raising Vibration: A Few Ideas

Since the key to bringing about what we want as explained by the law of attraction or law of vibration, we need to have clear idea on how to make this happen, especially when we begin to sense that our thoughts are heading in a negative direction.

One of the best ways is to read a positive affirmation about ourselves. For example, if you are trying to improve as a cook then you might say "I am a fantastic cook" any time you begin to doubt your own skills in the kitchen. By repeating this over and over again aloud, you can drive out those negative thoughts and replace them a higher vibration which will help you make a wonderful meal in the kitchen.

Another good way of Raising Vibration Energy is by removing obstacles in our lives. Clutter is one of the best examples. Those of us who have held onto so much of our past lives can often find that our vibrations are being blocked by all of the stuff that fills our lives. Plus, holding onto those memories can get in the way of the things we want to bring into our lives anew.

To change this, look around your home and be brutally honest about what can be removed. Get rid of anything that is no longer necessary or that causes you to have negative thoughts. Even positive memories may be brining your energy levels down.

You should also pay attention to your thoughts and your actions. For example, if you start realizing that your thoughts and vibrations are going negative you can take an active role in changing that. However, you must pay attention to these issues in order to bring about changes.

Another idea is to create a special place in your home. When we get stressed or face challenges in our lives, this can often lower the energy level of our vibrations. Raising Vibration Energy

For Additional information concerning The Law of Attraction and Quantum Physics visit

Spending 15 Minutes Each Day

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Clergy Appreciation - Why Acknowledging and Supporting Your Spiritual Leader Matters

If you belong to a church, you know that clergy are always "on call" and available to provide counsel and support. What happens, though, when your pastor or priest needs pastoral care? These are human beings, after all, who can experience frustrations,disappointment, disillusionment, stress, and loneliness just like the rest of us.

Your congregation probably has some mechanism in place to provide support and counsel to clergy. It's worth contemplating, though, the role that every member of the congregation can play in supporting those who have been called to guide them. Members of the clergy need our prayers and encouragement, just as we need and expect that support from them.

Whether or not your church has a formal Clergy Appreciation observance, it's vitally important to raise spiritual leader(s) up on a daily basis throughout the course of the year.

While a career in the clergy might be exceedingly rewarding and spiritually fulfilling, it can also be rigorous, demanding - and one of the loneliest of professions. We all have days on the job when it seems nothing goes right. You might be under immense stress with deadlines looming, the boss might be on your back about something, your co-workers may be bickering, you might be worried about a layoff...there are any number of things that could contribute to a "bad day." Maybe it's a string of bad days.

When that happens, it's not uncommon to talk the situation over with a spouse or friend, or a trusted business associate. Those conversations can be a great way to unburden yourself and maybe come up with some solutions you might not have considered previously.

Your pastor or priest has those same pressures and bad days from time to time. Due to the nature of the job, he may have more of them than the average person. But unlike the rest of us, he often doesn't have the luxury of a sounding board.

Clergy are available 24/7 to provide counsel and support. Some of these situations can be particularly difficult - like grave illnesses or bitter family strife. Counseling conversations are confidential, though, so it's nearly impossible to unburden oneself. And think how being perpetually "on call" might put pressure on your spiritual leader's own family life.

Then there is the issue of job performance. Clergy are critiqued on a weekly basis. It's almost a guarantee that someone sitting in the congregation during any given service will be thinking the message could have been better, or the music wasn't to their liking, or the service just wasn't "that good." There always seems to be someone who is unhappy about something.

Our clergy are people just like us - they have strengths, and they have weaknesses. They get tired. They get frustrated. They make mistakes just as we do. They cannot please everyone all the time. We should not expect more from them than it is possible to give. Bottom line? They need a pat on the back every once in a while, too!

So while Clergy Appreciation Month is a wonderful thing, it's also important to support clergy all year long with prayers and words of encouragement. If last week's sermon had a particular impact on you, say so. Send your spiritual leader a note of appreciation. You can also support clergy by getting involved in the work of the church. If we are enthusiastic followers of God, it will mean something to God and to his ordained servants.

If you're looking for a tangible way to express thanks to Clergy, personalized clergy appreciation plaques created using museum quality materials are a lovely way to show your appreciation.

Tony Robbins

Secrets of Qigong Meditation

Qi ("chee": life energy) circulates through a network of meridians or channels in the human body. Qigong means "working with life energy." Through qigong training we can facilitate the movement of qi through the body. The movement of qi leads the circulation of the blood and other bodily fluids. The effects of qigong practice include: stress reduction, improved health and energy, emotional balance, mental calmness and clarity, and an awareness of the wholeness of life.

Qigong is a truly holistic philosophy and system of health care and self development. The primary principle of qigong practice is this: Where qi flows smoothly there is health, happiness, and well-being. Where qi flow is impeded, there is disease, distress, and conflict.

Smooth qi flow is regarded as a natural state of being. This natural state is affected by our responses to the demands of life. When we become sick or have dis-ease on any level of our being the questions in this system are: 1) Where is qi flow impeded? 2) What is impeding smooth qi flow? and 3) How do we facilitate smooth qi flow?

Qi flow is interrupted by the way that we handle internal and external stressors. Qi can be impeded by physical tension, emotional holding patterns, rigid thought patterns, and patterns of spiritual resignation. The more general pattern of impeded qi flow is experiencing yourself as a passive victim of circumstances that cause the conditions of your life. By contrast, in qigong we learn to experience ourselves as empowered participants in our health and self development.

This leads us to a second qigong principle: The mind leads the qi and the qi follows the mind. The term mind here means mental powers and spiritual intent. In qigong meditation, we learn to use powers of mind and spirit to feel, gather, store, cultivate, refine, and circulate universal qi. The circulation of qi leads the circulation of blood, lymphatic fluid, and nerve impulses along their respective pathways.

We lead qi in qigong meditation by following these cues: 1) Relaxing and aligning posture, 2) Smiling and breathing consciously, 3)Visualizing qi pathways, and 4) Imagining and feeling universal qi flowing smoothly along these pathways.

One further note on this principle: It may be more accurate to say we "allow" qi to flow smoothly rather than we "lead" it, because smooth qi flow is natural. We allow this natural process to occur when we stop restricting it. When we live in stress mode we restrict qi flow. When we center our awareness in universal qi, we allow a greater wisdom to work through us. We let go of ego control and allow higher powers of mind and spirit to come forth. Letting go leads us to the next qigong principle.

The third basic principle of qigong is active relaxation. The ability to actively relax is the first step toward a Core Energy State. When practicing, Qigong Master Tianyou Hao says "Don't forget, don't pursue." In qigong one is present and aware while being relaxed and calm. We learn to detach from our patterns of stress so we can recover the original joy and vitality which resides steadfastly ever-available at the core of our being.

What does smooth qi flow feel like? The classic signs of qi activity in the body are called the eight sensations. These are: heat, cold, pain, numbness, soreness, swelling, itching, and twitching. The less pleasant qi sensations occur when qi is blocked or when it is beginning to move in an area that has been stagnant. Most commonly the positive feelings of smooth qi flow are warmth, fullness, tingling, and a sense of overall happiness and well-being.

Now that you know some qigong basics, it's time to get to the most important part--practicing. Daily practice is the key to realizing the amazing positive effects of qigong meditation.

If you are interested in more articles in this series or my Learn Qigong Meditation Program visit:

Copyright 2006 by Kevin Schoeninger

Kevin Schoeninger: M.A. in Philosophy, Certified Qigong Instructor, Personal Trainer, and Reiki Master.

You Have To Start Somewhere

Are You Providing Daily Nourishment to Your Spiritual Self?

Man is a strange animal. Like any other animal he has basic instinct and the desires for food, sex and shelter. Most people in today's' world do not have much problem in fulfilling such desires. There are millions in this world, who have earned so much wealth that they can easily satisfy all these basic needs.

Yet there is something that makes a man unhappy due to the needs that remain unsatisfied and a man always craves for it.

We do not know what it is but what we know for sure is that it is not related to body. It is, therefore, not materialistic.

Scriptures called such non-material entity as Spirit.

The Spiritual Self

In order to understand the mystery of spirit, let is hypothetically assume ourselves to be made of two selves. One is the PHYSICAL SELF i.e. the body which is made of material particles, which can be seen and measured. It has a desire that is physical in nature and needs material tings for its fulfillment.

Now, imagine that there is another self of man called SPIRITUAL SELF. The spiritual self is not material hence can not have any shape or size. Yet for the sake of simplicity, let us assume it to look like the physical self that is same the body of the person.

The physical and spiritual self of the person lives together in same person. One follows the law of this world while the other follows the law of the Spiritual World. They are quite identical and may be considered to be mirror image of each other.

The Spiritual Self is not visible to the world as it is not material. It is part of the Spiritual World which lies hidden to the eyes of the senses.

However, the physical self knows and understand its twin (Spiritual Self) intuitively as like a twin, it feels the emotions of the twin.

The Physical Needs of Man

We know that the body of the person needs regular nourishment for its survival. We need to eat food, drink water and inhale air to live. If any of the supplies are cut, the physical body can't live any longer.

The food is needed by the body, as it provides energy and nourishment to body. There are billions of cells in the body that are dying every day. These have to be removed and replaced by new cells. These cells are formed only from the food we eat when combined with water and oxygen. If we stop eating or drinking, the body craves for the food and water and we feel hungry and thirsty. When a man is hungry, his mind is focused in fulfilling these desires. Most of the animals get into action only when they are hungry. They desperately look for food that satisfies their hunger. Once their hunger is satisfied, they feel filled till such time they get the pain of hunger again.

The needs of the different material things vary. For example, air is needed every few second. No one can live if air supply is disconnected even for a few minutes. Man can however, live for days without the supply of food. However, he would not survive for more than few days without water. Man also has the sexual need that is necessary for the reproduction of the species.

All the physical needs of the body are cyclic in nature. Once they are satisfied, the body is happy. However, after sometime the needs come back once the material supplied is consumed by the physical body.

If the physical body has the physical needs, shouldn't the spiritual self also have the spiritual needs?

The Spiritual Needs of Man

Just like the physical body needs nourishment from the physical matters found in the world, the spiritual self also needs spiritual nourishment.

What are these spiritual nourishments?

The spiritual needs of the person can be understood from the analogy of body itself. The spiritual self of the person can be considered to be a part of the Spirit (Holy Spirit) whom we often call God. Thus rough this spiritual self, man is connected with every other creation of the universe just like a thread connects all beads together in a garland.

Thus for understanding the Spiritual Self, let us imagine the whole world as the body of the Spirit and the man like a cell in the body. Like a cell, he experiences the pains and pleasures of any cell or organ of the body.

When eyes see a beautiful object, the whole body (hence every cell) feels happy.

When the stomach is filled, the whole body gets satisfied.

When the man get pain in his head or limb, the pain is felt by the whole body.

Thus the Spiritual Self being part of the Spirit gets affected by the feelings of the Spirit. It gets happiness in the happiness in others, while pain from the pain of others.

The spiritual self, like the physical self, does not live in isolation and disconnected with other people in this world but it is connected with everything and everybody else just like a cell is connected with all cells of the body directly or indirectly. It needs nourishment from the Holy Spirit just like a cell needs nourishment.

These nourishments may be termed as the spiritual needs of the person.

If physical self is the twin of the spiritual self then the spiritual needs to be fulfilled at regular interval else his spiritual self would become weaker and remain no more. In such situation, man will have only the physical self alive and he would become just an animal.

Spiritual Needs Are for Real

We may think that the spiritual needs are only a figment of imagination of the author. After all, most people do not consider themselves to be spiritual at all. Yet most people live their life and also enjoy it.

Are we taking the spiritual nourishment for granted as it is provided automatically by the system or the civilization developed by the mankind?

Is it not true that all animals have their physical needs satisfied even without any knowledge of it?

A dog or a cat or a cow or a lion knows very well how to satisfy its physical needs. It comes to him by as basic instinct. Initially, they all satisfy these needs from their mother, when they are little or just born. The milk of the mother provides the nourishment in their childhood. As the animal grows up, it gradually develops the strength to satisfy these needs themselves.

The children of man are far more protected. Their physical needs are satisfied by their parents even till their late adulthood. They not only get the milk from their mother but also food, shelter and clothing till they are quite grown up.

The spiritual needs of the child are similarly satisfied by their parents and elders since their early childhood. Every child gets the love of their parents particularly the mother since the time it is born. He feels important as when he cries, the whole world (his family) runs to fulfill his needs.

As he grows up he gets love, affection, importance from his siblings, cousins, and friends automatically. A person is always surrounded by other people who fill his life with love and compassion. Thus most of the people fail to understand that love is so important in their lives.

We take love for granted just like we take the air for granted as it is available to every person freely.

However, like air, we feel the pain of spiritual suffocation, when this supply is disconnected from us.

A Life without Spiritual Nourishment

Imagine that you get up in the morning and find that nobody in this world except you have survived some disaster. You go out and find everyone dead. Not even an animal is surviving.

What would you do?

How would you feel?

Will you feel happy because the whole world now belongs to you?

Or you feel sad because none is there to share your emotions.

We know intuitively that we can never feel happy in such situation even if the whole world is given to us with all its gold, diamonds, palaces and everything.

We need people and other lives to make us happy.

This of course is an extreme example which perhaps can never happen to us. But consider another hypothetical situation which is not so strange and impossible.

Consider that in one morning, you find that everyone has left you. You have no friend, no family, no connection with the people by any means like TV, mobile phones or internet. Everyone hates you and no one wants to see you or speak to you. However, you have everything material wealth available in your house that can take care of all your physical needs.

This situation is not impossible as many dictators and autocrats suffered such fate in their lives.

Most of us fear sometime in our lives that such situation is probable unless we take care of the emotions of others.

Lot of our good deeds happens in this world because people can't imagine themselves falling in such situation.

Many people in their old age in fact pass through such phases and situation.

You can well imagine what you would do in such situation?

Perhaps you will get up in the morning, prepare food, eat and then see outside world, walk for sometime and sleep. This may continue for few days. Yet we will perhaps start feeling a vacuum in our life which can only be fulfilled if we are connected with other people.

What are we missing when we are disconnected with rest of the world?

We are surely not missing anything material. These needs are well taken care of.

These non-material needs are the spiritual needs. If these needs are not fulfilled, the spiritual self would remains no more after sometime and the man would either become an animal or become mad and die by ending his physical self.

Take Your Daily Dose of Spiritual Nourishment

Fortunately, the human society is developed in such a way that most of us have their spiritual needs satisfied every day.

When you get up in the morning and see you spouse, parents, friends , children in your house whom you love, you get the first dose of spiritual nourishment. Then you go to work, school or business where you meet friends and many other people. When you make them happy, you too get spiritual nourishment from their happiness.

Even when you are physically disconnected with your loved ones due to travel or business, you talk to them on phone and get connected through emails and letters which provide nourishment. When you see news or other favourite program you empathies with many people and that fills you spiritually. You feel happy at their happiness and cry at their pain. This connection provides the much needed nourishment.

When a man has no company, he can still find nourishment in the company of other animals like their pet dogs. Some people find these nourishments in the service of the nature by planting trees and by brining goodness in this life.

Every person does find spiritual nourishment by loving others and serving others just like their own selves. Every selfless service to others provides nourishment to the spiritual self just like every intake of food provides nourishment to the body.

The Key to Happiness

Just like the body can not survive for long without the physical nourishment, the spiritual self can not survive for long without the regular dose of spiritual nourishment. This nourishment comes from selfless service to others which come automatically to a person once he loves others like his own self. The importance of spiritual nourishment must be understood by every person as without a healthy spiritual self, man can become an animal or a brute. A man can live happily and joyfully only if both his selves i.e. the physical self and the spiritual self are healthy due to their regular nourishment.

A Brief Profile of Dr Awdhesh K Singh

I am an Engineer by education, a public officer by profession and a spiritual person by intuition. I hold my PhD degree in the field of E-Governance. I am a founding member of The Aatmic Science Foundation (The Science of Soul Foundation) that is working for the synthesis between all religions, spirituality and sciences.

The website of the foundation is My main area of study and research is to use religions, spirituality and scientific methods of investigations to understand and solve the real life problems of human beings. I have published hundreds of articles and research papers on this topic on various websites and journals.

Please contact me on my email aksinghirs [a] for any help, suggestions or feedback.

Conversations With God

Ghosts Subjected To Research

The term ghost' generically refers to various types of subtle (invisible) bodies such as demons, devils, witches, etc. who have the intention of harming others. The Spiritual Science Research Foundation has undertaken extensive research on ghosts in order to demystify this widespread phenomenon and help people in recognising and treating the adverse effects caused by ghosts through proven methodology according to the Spiritual science.

Ghosts (demons, devils, spirits) though neither visible to the gross eye, nor perceived by the other sense organs, mind and intellect are factors that affect all mankind. The manifestations of distress due to ghosts can be from a person displaying uncharacteristic behaviour to erratic display of violence, addictions, various physical and psychological illnesses, family problems, business problems, etc.

1. Ghost characteristics

  • Ghosts (demons, devils, spirits) are subtle (invisible) bodies
  • Ghosts belong to the nether region or one of the seven regions of hell but are found on Earth region too
  • Ghosts (demons, devils, spirits) do not exist in the positive planes of the universe i.e. heaven
  • Ghosts (demons, devils, spirits) have unfulfilled desires such as cravings for sex, alcohol (things that they can only experience through a physical body), revenge, etc
  • Ghosts (demons, devils, spirits) derive pleasure out of exerting control over and tormenting humans
  • The general aim of ghosts is spreading unrighteousness and consequent turbulent havoc in society

2. Who can become a ghost?

People who have died with unfulfilled desires, personality defects, negative impressions in the mind, high ego, who have harmed others and/or have the basic nature of harming others. Most importantly people who have not done spiritual practice according to the basic principles of Spirituality while alive are likely to become ghosts in their afterlife.

3. What is the meaning of being affected by ghosts?

Being affected by ghosts (demons, devils, spirits, etc.) is when the physical, mental, intellectual or spiritual functioning of a person or any combination thereof is affected or altered by the ghosts entirely through the use of ghosts black energy without direct intervention by the ghosts. Consequently, there is no direct controlling of the mind and intellect of the affected person.

However the ghost affects that aspect of the person, which is most conducive to achieving its objective; either of troubling that person, fulfilling its own desire, or preventing spiritual practice, etc.

4. What is demonic possession?

Demonic possession is when ghosts (demons, devils, spirits, etc.) control the mind (emotions, thoughts) and intellect (decision making ability) of a person. As a result, they also control the persons actions.
In a possession, ghost (demon, devil, spirit) is actively involved in controlling the mind and intellect as a means to harm the person. In almost all cases, the person possessed does not know that he/she is possessed, until it manifests in a dramatic way as shown in the Hollywood movie The Exorcism of Emily Rose.

5. Spiritual strength wins
In the subtle realms of our existence, spiritual strength is the most important currency. Out of the person targeted for attack and the attacking ghost, whoever is spiritually stronger wins. If the ghost has more spiritual strength than the person to be attacked, then the ghost can affect or possess the person at will. If a person has a higher spiritual level, his defense against a ghost attack is stronger as a result of his own spiritual strength accrued with spiritual practice, and consequently the protection that he/she receives from God is also higher.

6. Solution

Initiate one's spiritual practice and maintain its regularity so as to build protection from ghost attacks.

Power Of Visualization

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Only Definition That Matters

Have you ever chased something (or someone) only to discover afterward that it wasn't all it was cracked up to be? I suspect most of us have experienced this at some point in our lives.

What's up with us? Are we destined to be perpetually unsatisfied? Is it human nature to continually reach for something new? Does the cycle of wanting, achieving, and then just wanting more continue our entire lives?

Probably. But it's also worth checking out whether you're trying to fulfill someone else's definition of success.

Years ago my marriage, career, and even my car reflected someone else's idea of success. After spending too much time with an unlucky husband, a puzzled employer, and a sports car that didn't fit my three-dog lifestyle, I realized this wasn't my gig.

I eventually had another go at it, this time without giving a rip what others thought. As a result, I painted a much different picture than before; one more fulfilling than I dreamed possible. You may be surprised to realize where your "feel goods" come from, but it's crucial to get in touch with or you'll perpetually achieve one goal after another only to feel internal emptiness quickly returning.

Take the King of Bhutan, for example, who declared his country's measure of prosperity to be GNH (Gross National Happiness) rather than the traditional GDP. He uses well-being instead of consumption as the measure for success. How cool is that?! Or my client who gave up her career as a record label executive to build shelters in a third world country, reporting she's never been so satisfied. Or my neighbor who quit his six figure job to stay home with kids after his wife finished school.

Check in on your current intentions and goals. Are they genuinely yours? Or are they someone else's idea of what yours should be? Make sure if you're going to the trouble of achieving something that it's in alignment with who you really are and what you really want.

As a wise person once said: "There's only one definition of success that matters. Yours."

Jeannette Maw is an Attraction Coach and founder of Good Vibe Coaching in Salt Lake City, Utah who helps clients get what they want by leveraging the Law of Attraction. She is co-author of "101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life, Vol. 3" and "Inspired Attraction," and speaks regularly on the topic of deliberate creation

Free tips and strategies to use Law of Attraction to make your wish list come true are yours by signing up for her fluff-free "Get What You Want" bi-monthly ezine at Learn deliberate creation for the real world at

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Religious Thought

As a young boy and even into my early adult hood, I asked almost every one that I knew, what they thought heaven was going to be like. These people painted me the most wonderful and beautiful pictures, with the words coming out of their mouths. One woman told me that heaven was going to be the most wonderful place you could ever imagine. She told me that, I would be able to do anything that I wanted to do at any time of the day or night.

All I can say to this, is why are we afraid to die and why do we put that much effort into staying here, when heaven sounds like the place we all want to be. This becomes very confusing during troubled times. We live our whole life to be the best we can possibly be, and then and only then do we get to enter the kingdom of heaven, the most wonderful place in the universe.

Another man told me that, if I wanted to go to heaven, the more good deeds I did on earth, the better buy chances were of actually entering heaven. He said that some people don't get to go, because they did a couple of bad things or maybe one really, really bad thing, like murder. I often wondered what would be worse, murder or painting demonic symbols on the walls of a church, mosque or synagogue. I hope I'm not confusing you anymore than organized religions.

Well now that I have a pretty good idea, that in order to enter into heaven, I need to do good things... that's what I will do for the rest of my life. Sounds simple doesn't it. Now for the bad news, depending on which religion you choose to follow and don't forget that Christianity is one religion that allows you, something special, right before you die, no matter how bad of a person you were to accept Jesus Christ into your heart and accept him as the Almighty God, and this gets you one free pass into heaven.

Am I confusing you at all, does this make sense? When the man told me, that, the only way I would get to go to heaven was by doing good deeds and then the Bible tells me that, I just need to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and I get to go to the promised land, heaven. All right now were talking, this sounds pretty good now. I won't have to do very many good things and before I die can ask forgiveness for all the bad things I did.

I don't know what's true, but I can say that it gets a little confusing and as you go from religion to religion and place of worship to other places of worship, you will hear different stories, from different religious leaders. I can't make much sense out of some religions, but if you want to believe in heaven, there is someone out there who can paint you, the most wonderful picture of heaven in your mind. Whether we really get to go there or not, depends on what you want to believe in.

I wrote this article to get people thinking about the choices they've made and the religions they choose to follow. Is your religion right and others are wrong? Ask yourself this one question, think back, to when you made a conscious choice to follow the religion you're in right now, if any, most of the time you started believing as a child and never really got to choose because your parents, teachers, friends, family or guardians made a choice for you.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, spiritual books

If you want to read something funny and get your daily laugh in, you need to read this, it's funny Using Religion Responsibility. It's based on overindulgence.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Utilizing Relationship Self Help Advice to Soothe a Troubled Relationship

When you begin searching for relationship advice, you can find it in numerous places. You can find it in friends and family, who don't mind sharing their knowledge. You can find it through a therapist, who can listen to your problems. You can find advice in books and online. However, it's most important to remember that the best advice comes in the form of relationship self-help. What does this mean? It means you have to fix what is wrong with a relationship on your own; no one else can do it for you.

Think about this for a moment: why is that most people start out fine in a relationship, only to fail some time later? After all, most people just want three things in their life: happiness, success and most What is it that makes people fail in relationships so easily? It's actually the breakdown of three things that many people tend to forget over the course of the relationship.

When the relationship begins to breakdown, it's imperative to do relationship self-help on leaning these three things once more.

3 Relationship Self-Help Advices to Ponder

1.Staying Strong
There are very few people who like a needy, desperate person. Chances are you were a strong emotionally and spiritually and that was one of the things that attracted them to you in the beginning. Over the course of the relationship, it's likely a little insecurity slipped in and desperation about holding onto the relationship changed your perception a bit, causing you to act desperate and needy. It's imperative that you revert this course and find a way back to your former self.

2. Non Verbal Communications
Do you remember the times that you would sneak each other looks, knowing what the other person was thinking and feeling at that very moment? Does it seem like the relationship lost that vibe and fell into a routine of "Yeah, I know what you are thinking but...?" Did you constantly want to touch your significant other but now it's like no big deal? If so, then it's time to reclaim those feelings. Every now and then, do little non-verbal gestures that made a difference and let your other half know that you care.

3.Avoiding Conflicts and Talking Out Arguments
Does it seem like fights rule your relationship and nothing gets worked out? Conflicts do arise in a relationship so it's very important to talk out your problems. However, do it only after all the emotions have settled down. Don't forget that people often say things they do not mean in a fight so it's important that things are not taken too seriously in a heated argument. Instead, wait for everything to cool down and then speak. If it seems like no common ground can be found in an argument, it's probably best to let the matter rest.

How does this coincide with relationship self-help? Actually, when you have the ability to stop a conflict before it starts and couldn't do this before, you are helping yourself minimize the stress you feel along with any conflict that could arise from a heated discussion.

If you are truly serious about making a relationship work, seeking out relationship self-help advice is necessary. It doesn't mean that everything will change in an instant but it certainly won't change if you don't have the guidance to help you change. Remember this phrase: you can't make anyone else happy until you make yourself happy.

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Monday, May 11, 2009

African Art and Its Spiritual and Religious Influence

Africa, as the second largest continent, is a home to more than 50 countries and thousands of different ethnic and religious groups, which formed and shaped the countless artistic traditions. The kind of arts produced from region to region depends on the different religions.

Native African religions greatly influenced the art objects rather than the architectures. They do not require the use of religious buildings for prayer but they professed their faith more through religious objects such as statues, mask, or other objects especially during rituals and ceremonies. Rituals were meant to exercise control over the insecurity of life by binding together positive forces from ancestors, gods, or other spirits and by restricting negative forces.

Most of them, native Africans, used art objects like wooden or clay figurines to contact ancestor spirits who, as they believed, act as intermediaries between human community and God, the Creator. The governing bodies in their group used these art objects, as well, to maintain social order and good relationship with their ancestors' spirits. Among the Kota of Gabon, carved wooden figurines serves as guardians who protect and oversee the remains of dead ancestors and those significant individuals who made intercession for them to the All-Mighty Creator.

Sculptured traditional African arts from the Western part became internationally known. These wood carvings, clay sculpture, bronze casting, jewelry, and weaving were also used in religious practices.

Sculpture was not only applied by Africans on wood or other materials. It was also applied on their skin. This art was called scarification and was used for divination practices. This was made by cutting the skin and put irritants on it to produce scar or markings. This form of art still continues not on skin anymore but on their carved statues and images wherein they put markings on the statues' body parts to show scarification.

Another significant traditional art was the furniture like the stool and headrest. Stools were the especially designed carved wooden seat with spiritual functions. The Lubas of central Africa made caryatid stools wherein a figure, male or female, is carved out of the wooden stools to represent the owner's important ancestor.

The headrest, on the other hand, was the carved wooden pillow of the Africans. Among the Shona (people with special spiritual powers) of the southern Africa, their carved headrests were designed to communicate with the ancestors through their dreams.

Some Africans, especially the Mijikenda of Kenya honor their dead by carving wooden posts called vigangu. Groups in Ethiopia, Sudan, Tanzania, and Madagascar followed this practice by creating similar post-shaped funerary sculptures.

In the eastern and western part of Africa, architecture arts were built with religious implications such as the Mosque, the Islam's house of prayer. The king of Ethiopia, when they adopted Christianity as their religion, carved 11 churches out of solid volcanic rocks.

Some were carved below ground level with deep trenches around, some were attached to surroundings. These churches were connected by a network of tunnels and narrow passageways.

Africa has rich varieties of arts. It includes not only the architectural structures, the carved figurines and the sculptured objects but also the art in the field of painting, rhythm, dancing, and literary. The spiritual implications of every artistic piece make the African arts unique around the world.

Rod Dagan invites you to explore the culture and arts of Africa you can also find more about arts, crafts and culture from native and aboriginal peoples from around the world at Native Art World