Sunday, April 26, 2009

Creating Your 2009 Affirmations

Remember this summer when there was rumbling of bad economic news? And the bad news noise just started growing louder and louder. The economy went from bad to worse with store closings, outrageous fuel prices and banks tightening their credit lines.

And to make matters worse even Mother Nature got in on the act with that little storm (Hurricane Ike) reeking havoc with downed trees, power outages, fuel / food shortages and massive destruction to the Gulf Coast.

It got REAL PERSONAL for me when suddenly I didn't have power to run my computer and Internet based business.

I could go on and on, and you would probably relate... but here's my point.

Even during this downturn in the economy - guess what? My business has thrived. WHAT? Even with the power off? That can't be true. OH YES!

Since the hurricane in September, my sales have tripled, new business opportunities have opened up and I am busier than ever in all facets of my business. In addition I am spending more time with family and friends as I manage a balance in my life of work, family and play. Even my husband's greeting card business took off. How could this be?

What happened? What caused this shift? How could my business be defying the odds?

I made one of the most important business decisions ever, and it paid off.I decided not to be a frog in a pot. What?

I am sure you have heard the story about if you put a frog into a pot of boiling water, it jumps out but... if you put a frog in a pot of cool water and turn up the heat, the frog becomes accustomed to the temperature, stays in the pot and COOKS!

So what did I do? I started paying attention to my most important real estate - that area between my ears, yes my noggin.

Using some simple yet powerful techniques I invested minutes each day into turning dreams into my own voice. Using my own voice i have taken action in conscious and unconscious ways to turn my business around. And the cool part is, it just keeps getting better and better.

Do affirmations work? They work for me.

Design2Train, a SBA 8a certified company, was founded by Karen Miller in 2001. Karen is an award-winning instructional designer with over 20+ years of training development experience. Receive a gift from Karen to start your new year off the right way. Visit:

What The Bleep Do You Know

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