Friday, October 2, 2009

Manipulating Bible Verses - Thou Shall Not Murder

If you're a Christian, you've probably heard of this Bible verse. Thou shall not murder. If you've heard of it, you probably know that it's one of the 10 Commandments or one of the original laws from Moses. However, most people don't know about its application to Christianity.

If I was to tell my children, not to lie and always tell the truth but I was a liar, would this be considered a good example for my children? If my children seen me lying and then I told them not to lie, would they consider that a lie? Does this example make sense to you?

As the parent, I'm the example. As the children, they are my disciples or followers. By lying to my children, I am showing them that it is okay to lie or stretch the truth or even manipulate the English language for my personal benefit.

How much different is this example from the example of the way some Christians use the Holy Bible? "Thou shall not murder," to me translates into," you should not kill." That's pretty simple and easy to understand, wouldn't you agree.

I could easily manipulate this Bible verse into, thou shall not murder, only applying it, to killing someone without a reason or you can kill someone in the name of God. You can change the meaning of anything if you really want to.

The point I would like to make here, is that the truth always comes out in the end, once the lying and the manipulation becomes visible. Do you have the ability to tell who's lying and twisting the Bible scriptures for their benefit or personal gain?

Bible verses that are clearly written, shouldn't have any hidden messages. "Thou shall not murder," is easy to interpret, once you understand what all four of these words mean and this task can easily be accomplished with a dictionary.

Thou - refers to you, the person being addressed or written to.

Shall - it will happen in the future or is intended to happen.

Not - is often used to express refusal, denial or the negation of the statement, just made.

Murder - the crime of killing another person deliberately and not in self-defense.

With the definition of these four words sitting right in front of us, you could still interpret this Bible verse in the few different ways. I'm going to take a stab at it and interpret it as I see it.

"You should not kill another person deliberately or outside of self-defense."

This means that I am not allowed to kill anyone, in the name of God, during war, or for any other reason except for defending myself.

When it says," Thou shall not murder," how does this apply to animals or anyone who is involved in a death sentence. Judges, lawyers, prison guards and other individuals who are directly involved in the murder of someone else.

How many other Bible verses have been manipulated for the benefit of Christianity?

God Said What

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author and a inspiration to millions of people. He has been involved in religious research for almost 30 years, and his influence in the Christian community is growing. The Holy Bible, is the core to Christian beliefs and most Christians don't even question it. Was the Bible actually written by men?

His newest book," Did God Actually Say That?" Was written specifically for Christians who are interested in gaining additional knowledge about the Bible. This book provides Christians with advanced biblical knowledge, answer some tough questions and should be read by every faithful follower of Christ.

Click here if you're interested in Basic Christianity.

Imagine Jesus' Children Reporting Directly to God

Now what if, Jesus actually had a son, and his son followed the Old Testament rule of being fruitful and multiply. Each one of Jesus' kids had at least 10 kids and by now there's thousands of his descendants all over the world and these guys are watching everything that's going on around them and reporting everything directly to God.

Imagine this, every one of his kids have down syndrome, are handicapped, blind, deaf, homeless, homosexuals and the worst of all, atheists. They have been strategically positioned all over the world to gather information on how, Christians actually treat other people.

Every time that a homeless person has asked you for spare change and you haven't given them anything, this would count as one black mark against you, on the great chalkboard at Judgment Day.

Every sign you held up, rejecting gay marriage or abortion, would count as five black marks. Each one of these people or any other person, who you had intentionally hurt their feelings, would be 15 black marks.

Every time that you lied to another Christian, this would be 50 black marks. If a Christian lied to a nonbeliever, especially when trying to convince them that the Bible is the written Word of God, this would be 150 black marks.

Jesus' children would be reporting directly to him on a daily basis, through the use of the Internet, God's Internet that is. Every Christian who thought they were doing the Lord's work, could actually be in grave danger.

You only get a thousand black marks and if you're 150 black mark short of entering heaven, you will have plenty of time, as you burn in eternal lake of fire, forever. Think about it, the next time that you lie to someone, refuse generosity, or try to convince someone that the Bible is actually the written word of God.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:
Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Have It All

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Thanks for reading my articles

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Mysteries of the Bible - Advanced Bible Study Techniques

Have you ever wanted to really know what the mysteries of the Bible really are? Was Jesus more important than God? Why were the Jewish people considered to be the chosen ones, even though they don't get to go to heaven, because they don't believe that Jesus Christ was their Lord and Savior? I would like to help you solve some of the mysteries of the Bible.

Whether you're a Jewish or believe in Christianity, each if you share an interest in the Holy Scripture. Jewish people obviously don't believe that Jesus was the Messiah and are still waiting for their Messiah to come and free them. Christians obviously believe that Jesus of Nazareth was the true Messiah and fulfilled all the prophecies.

One of the mysteries of the Bible that I would like to share with you, is that your actually going to need to read the Bible to find them. The biggest mystery of the Bible is actually reading it. You don't need to read the entire Bible, to figure out, what it's actually saying.

Start reading certain sections that interest you. Two of the most read books in the Bible are the books of Genesis, which is the first book in the Old Testament and the book of revelations, which is the last book in the New Testament. Both of these books are extremely popular reads.

The book of Genesis is about the beginning and the book of revelations is about the end of times and this seems to be the biggest interest for Christians. In other words, you're not going to be able to find the mysteries, within the Bible if you don't at least start to read some of it.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

If You're a Christian Woman, You Had Better Watch This Video on Problems With Women Speaking in church. Are women really allowed to speak inside the church, you won't believe what you're about to see.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Have It All


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Learn Something About Time Management From the American Indians

I don't consider myself an expert on the American Indians but I would like to share a thought about their lifestyle. I was listening to an audio book on the American Indians eating habits, when it got me thinking about something the author said. This might not be a topic of interest for most people but I found it fascinating.

While listening to the audio book, the author made a statement about the American Indians I will never forget. He said "American Indians spend about four hours each day working, gathering and preparing food." If you think about it, that's not too bad of a lifestyle.

I would imagine that we have a better selection and larger variety of food to choose from than they had. This of course would be a benefit to living in our society instead of theirs.

American Indians often spent a lot of time outdoors and for some reason, spending time in nature seems to be a good thing. I know a lot of people that would rather be outdoors than indoors, walking, jogging, hiking, camping and even gardening. It almost seems more natural for us to be outdoors than indoors.

Now with the Indians working about four hours each day, this is a little bit different then our standard workday. Most people spend at least 9 to 12 hours each day driving to and from work and actually working. I would imagine our standard workday would actually be easier than that of the American Indian. I can't imagine some of my friends or family members chasing after a Buffalo with a spear.

Does this mean the American Indians had it right, just because they worked four hours each day and spent more time in nature were doing what they truly wanted to. Know I can't truly say that they had it right, but I can say that they seem to do just fine living with nature.

Some of these civilizations lasted for centuries.

Something to think about, on your daily travels to and from work as you desire to be at the beach or hiking in the mountains. The philosophies we often associate with a good life, could actually be better instead of progressively adding unneeded stress and frustration to it.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Have It All

Monday, September 14, 2009

Achieving Maximum Altitude

Like most people, there are not many things I like about flying. Except for one thing! When I fly, I always choose the window seat and wait for the best part of the flight! I just love when the plane cuts through the clouds and soars above them. I absolutely love flying above the clouds and looking down onto a sea of puffy cotton balls! It is at this point, when the plane reaches its maximum altitude. It is a moment of stability, weightlessness and pristine beauty!

How can we achieve our maximum altitude? How can we obtain those moments in life of flying above the clouds? Life's goals and personal visions are a lot like packing for a trip! The departures may be different, but the destinations remain the same. Here are some flying tips to reach you closer to your life's destinations:

Pre-preparation! It is the little details that get you to your final destination. Booking the flight, hotel, choosing your clothes etc. Making a list and checking it twice! Prepare a list to make your journey to your final destination a pleasant one. What are the little details that you need to check off on your list to bring you closer to landing your goals?

Pack only your essentials! When we have a goal or mission in mind, keep focused on only what you need to carry to achieve them. Packing for life's goals is a lot like reading a book: take what you need and leave the rest! If not, your luggage is too heavy to carry!

Compartmentalize everything! When packing your luggage, there is a place for everything: your shoes, your suits and your toiletries. Separate your life's goals much in the same manner. The immediate tasks, your short term goals and your future long-range goals. Like your luggage, tag and label them and check them often!

Listen to the instructions! On any flight, we are forced (we have no choice!) to listen to the instructions and know what to do in case of an emergency and where the exit doors are. Do we listen to instructions, advice and creative criticism from our mentors or family members? Probably not! But, like that flight attendant, they are there to protect us and make our journey a pleasant one.

Letting your loved ones know where you are! We have a family pact. When I am traveling, I always leave my hotel info and flight #'s with my family. It not only shows respect, bit it is a way of keeping them informed of my journey. When was the last time, you informed your family/friends where you are in your life goal's, your dreams, your destination spot? Share your life's itinerary with the people who are most important in your life.

Encountering turbulence! I wish all flights of life were smooth sailing! In trying to reach our personal goals and missions, we sometimes will encounter air pockets and altitude shifts. Know that they are only temporary. Hold you breathe if you have to. Grab a friend's hand in panic. Know that your 'plane' will stabilize again. As the saying goes: this too shall pass!

Say a prayer! My sister is a white-knuckled, terrified passenger. I always joke with her and say that if something happens to me on a plane, at least I am closer to heaven! (To say the least, she does not appreciate the humour!). All joking aside, there are not many people who know, that when I fly, I carry my rosary in my pocket. I, invariably, always say a couple of prayers along the way. Touching the rosary brings me peace and some calmness. In the air or on land, know that your personal prayers do not fall on deaf ears.

Clap when you land! Many of us have been on flights, when the pilot lands us safely on that runway, that we give a round of applause. When you goals have been met, give yourself a round of applause. You have landed safe and sound!

Give thanks! When leaving a plane, the airline staff and crew are always at the door saying goodbye and wishing you a safe trip. I personally thank each and every one of them. When reaching your goal's destination, give thanks to those that helped you get there. We are not on this journey of life alone. Have an 'altitude of gratitude' for those who have helped you on your 'flight' towards your goals.

Enjoy your trip! Treasure your moments. Know that with every flight in life, you will reach greater heights, soaring with greatness above the clouds.

Nominated for Canada 100 Most Powerful Women, Canada's Diamond Coach Adele Alfano is an Award Winning Professional Speaker, Author, Co-Publisher, who has helped thousands of people capitalize on their unique abilities to maximize their potential through her specially designed and created systems. Her proven techniques have helped people mine passion and purpose in their lives and in an evolving workplace. Adele is also the co-author, co-editor and Publisher for the first ever in a series of collaborative books titled Experts Who Speak Books

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Lawn Care For Winter Preparation

Preparing the lawn in the fall for the snow and ice to come in the winter is an important part of lawn and yard maintenance. It is important to provide the lawn with a protective environment throughout the year to ensure that it will survive the ice that is to come through the winter season. The winter season full of snow and ice can allow mould to flourish within the lawn, creating a terrible environment for the new and regrowth of green and lush grass in the spring.

There are some lawn caretakers that choose to allow the leaves that fall on to the lawn to remain to provide the nutrients to the lawn that is requires through the winter months. This allows a layer of nutrients that the grass is able to live from during the cold months of winter.

There are many lawn caretakers that choose to remove these leaves from the lawn. Removing the leaves from the lawn will further discourage mould from growing on the lawn.

The lawn needs to be weeded before the winter. Weeds take away the valuable nutrients that the lawn needs throughout the winter months. Well before the first snowfall, the weeds should be removed from the lawn as the use the valuable water and light that can are given to the lawn. The best time to attempt weed removal is after the rain, when the soil is moist. The weeds should be removed entirely, including the root of the plant. This will ensure that the weed is unable to grow back. If you choose to remove the weeds through the use of chemicals, it is important to avoid repercussions that this may have on the lawn by ensuring that the lawn is properly filled with nutrients.

Composting is not only a great way to avoid soil erosion, but it can provide the nutrients to the lawn throughout the winter. It allows the lawn to become prepared for the winter by providing the valuable nutrients that will be required to keep the lawn alive. Many lawn caretakers are unaware that the lawn only hibernates throughout the winter season, it does not die. For this reason, providing nutrients through the winter season is an essential way to maintain the health of your lawn.

Aerating the lawn provides a welcome and healthy environment for grass to grow in the fall and be prepared for the frost, snow and ice that comes with the winter months. These air pockets allow for moisture to become present within the soil and therefore moisturize the lawn throughout the long winter months.

Avoid cutting the lawn when it comes close to frost. Cutting the tips from the lawn can create a harsh environment and leave the grass susceptible to disease and other disorders that may come from the lack of nutrients. When cutting the lawn, it is important to leave at least two thirds of the blade of grass. This will ensure that the grass has enough nutrients within the blades to recover itself. At least two to four weeks before the frost, the cutting of the lawn should be avoided.

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Where's the Beef? - It's in the Recipe For Wendy's Hamburgers - So What's the Secret?

The real question in everyone's mind isn't "where's the beef?"; it's what is the recipe for Wendy's hamburgers? Well, until recently, I could tell you the answer to "where's the beef," and I could tell you that if you make a square burger that you "don't believe in cutting corners," and I could probably tell you every theory on why Wendy's burgers are square. What I couldn't tell you was the recipe for the delicious burgers.

Wendy's burgers have long been a favorite in my family. I ate one for the first time, because my sons wanted to try the square burger. They were saying, "oh boy, this is cool looking;" and I was saying, "boy, does this taste good." Of course, I immediately wanted the ingredients. I had three young boys who were about ready to go threw a growth spirt, so I needed to make affordable meals that they liked at home, more now then ever. I knew I could manage to make a cool looking, square burger, but I wanted it to taste just as good, too.

Need I say, it became a tradition to go to Wendy's, but I never got my hands on that recipe. My sons are now engaged to be married, so I figure grandchildren are next. This little revelation gave me cause to think back to those days when that unique burger from a favorite fast food restaurant could make the day special. That's when I decided it was time to search for the recipe on the internet to see if it could be found. After all, I could still make them for my growing family. Amazingly enough, after all these years, I found the recipe for Wendy's hamburgers, and countless other recipes I never thought I could find, all in one recipe book. One book - hundreds of sought after recipes.

The best part of finding this recipe book is still to come, because as days pass, should some of these famous, wonderful, recipes be lost over time, my family will always have access to them and their flavorful memories.

How would you like to recreate the most famous popular recipes at home? This famous cookbook exposes all of the most famous and most delicious secret recipes on the planet including restaurants such as Wendy's. Don't waste your time like I did!

Click here to check it out